Andor Gyulai in South Africa
So I turn 40 in a few months and I can honestly say I am in the best shape I have been in 10 years and playing some of my best beach volleyball ever. This is no accident but rather the result of hard work, research and finding experts in the fields of volleyball training, nutrition and injury prevention.
Today I am going to share how you can do this yourself or help your player accomplish their own similar goals!
Most of the advice I am going to share today can be used by players of all ages. I would however caution players below the age of 19 or above the age of 50 to speak with a doctor or nutrition specialist before following my advice on supplements and intense gym training! Also if you have any injuries or health problems see and expert (Preferably FMS Trained) before starting some of this!
- Volleyball Supplements – Cheat! The science of supplements and nutrition is light years ahead of when I first started taking supplements in 95 – 96 entering UCLA looking to win a National Championship. I recall fondly being a freshman at UCLA and taking creatine monohydrate for the first time and literally going up 45 pounds in weight on my squats the very next day and going from 3 sets to 5 sets with 8-10 Reps. Since then advancements in legal supplements have been so great it feels like cheating. Here is my very long list including… READ MORE!
- The Science of Physical Gym Training has Changed Dramatically! Personal training (In a gym) and sports is big business and as a result the knowledge of what works is extraordinary! Also there is now real science behind what were previous theories on training with the result that the systems are more proven and tested! For me in working with some of the best volleyball trainers in the world through Volleyball1on1.com I feel one of the most profound changes is the Functional Movement System!What this system of training does beyond making you stronger is it allows you to push your body in new ways while avoiding many of the traditional injuries from over training and overuse. Volleyball specific injuries such as knee, back and shoulder injuries.
Also if done correctly the FMS evaluation can be a predictor of what is coming and what potential problems and injuries you will encounter which therefore allows you to tackle them early before they happen. READ MORE! - Recovery For Volleyball, How to Do it Faster! As you get older the toughest part is how to recover faster. The science and nutrition behind recovery is light years ahead of what was happening just 15 years ago while at UCLA. Examples include: myofascial release, supplements and tips and cheats for getting “Deep Recovery Sleep”. In this article I will explore all of these and how I used these when competing against young, just out of college AVP future stars! READ MORE!
- How To Get Off the Couch and Get Started! Getting started is one of the toughest things. When I started to train again for volleyball I weighed 253 pounds doing anything in the gym (Weight room) or on a court was both physically and mentally challenging! In this article I will share some important secrets to getting over the hump and staying motivated mentally! READ MORE!
- My Personal Gym Training Secrets! Well at close to 40 you know what works for you. In this article I am going to share some of my personal workout secrets while at the gym. READ MORE!
- Jump Training! How to improve your jump as an older or younger player. READ MORE!
- A Few Beach Volleyball Playing Secrets! I train at the gym to play beach volleyball. I stay in shape to play volleyball and compete. But getting older can be tough. Here are a few cheats that will help you overcome physical limitations as an older player. These cheats or secrets will help you get those few extra inches on your jump or be a little faster physically. READ MORE! (I will post next week)
I hope you enjoy these articles. Please let me know your thoughts and secrets. I am available to talk over the phone with long time Volleyball1on1 Members or coaches who run Volleyball1on1 Camps who I am available to consult with before, during and after running a Volleyball1on1 Camp.
I also review many of these points in a more “PC” way in my Volleyball1on1 Summer Camps!