So I have been training and playing hard now for months in South Africa with little to no shoulder pain or any of the common volleyball shoulder injuries. I attribute this to some minor changes I made in my arm swing as well as this great exercise I picked up from the volleyball trainers at Velocity Fitness.
Y-T-W is a great volleyball shoulder exercise for posterior activation and scapular stabilizing. I have built the exercise into the early part of every workout (2-4 Times Week) during my mobility and active warmup. I work the exercise in as a circuit with other mobility exercise doing 3 sets of 8 reps for each movement, so 8 – Y, 8 – T, 8 – W.
Additionally once you are comfortable with the exercise and the rigor of it I suggest you add TRX Inverted Rows at the end of each set so that you run it: Y-T-W-Inverted Rows. Again I suggest the same number of reps, so 8 – Y, 8 – T, 8 – W and 8 – Inverted Rows.
Please comment below and let me know your thoughts? Also we have filmed 3 incredible workouts with Velocity fitness that I highly encourage all serious volleyball players and coaches to see.
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