Kerri Takes Over Practice Again and Run A 6 on 6 Drill – Day 1 – Uni High

In this video Kerri takes over practice again and runs a 6 on 6 drill. Andor points out a few things that he thinks Kerri should consider in running the practice in order to make it a little smother and better. This includes adding serving and passing sooner in the practice as well as how Kerri is initiating the plays on the ball.


Andor Takes Over the Drill and Makes A Difference Immediately – Day 1 – Uni High School

In this video Andor takes over the drill and makes changes immediately. Andor coaching style, this early in the practice and based upon the needs that he sees is to really be on top of the kids with a ton of verbal cues and correction. Additionally Andor believes in “Raising the expectations,” of everyone on the court and putting players who want to and can perform in a position to do that.


Andor Ask Kerri What She Learned Watching Him Coach – Day 1 – Uni High

This is a revealing video where Kerri shares what she learned watching Andor take over the early part of practice and coach. It is really impressive how open Kerri is to getting advice and learning. This video reveals allot of how viewers can also take in the information and use it to improve their team and coaching skill.


Unplanned Andor Runs the 6 on 6 Drill – More Coaching Tips (3 Video) – Day 1 – Uni High

This content contains 3 videos where unplanned, Andor takes over and runs the 6 on 6 drill Kerri was previously running with the team. This video series offers a number of insights on running a drill, practice, motivating players, what to focus on at the high school level plus much, much, more.


Andor Managing and Running a Huddle, Good Coaching Tips – Day 1 – Uni High

In this video coaches will get to watch Andor managing and run the team huddle. This video offers a number of good coaching tips as well as powerful insights coaches can use to improve their verbal and non verbal communication to players in the huddle.


Andor Offers Advice on How to Better Organize a Volleyball Practice – Day 1 – Uni High

In this video Andor begins to offers advice on how to better organize a volleyball practice so that the team and players move between drills quicker and as a result are able to accomplish more. On Day 2, Andor takes over the practice and you will get to see this in action.


Andor and Kerri Discuss and Review the First Practice at Uni High After Completion

This is the final video from Practice 1 of Volleyball Coaching Nightmares. In this video Andor and Kerri discuss and review the first practice at Uni High school after completion and discuss what Kerri learned and observations she made watching Andor coach.


Beach Volleyball Lesson and Fix for Beach Spiking with and Andor Gyulai on 9-17-14

This video features a Beach Volleyball Spiking Evaluation / Lesson / Fix offered as part of Membership. The video features Andor Gyulai ( – Owner) reviewing the beach spiking technique of an adult male player.


The Best Exercises To Help Increase Your Vertical Jump – Hang Cleans (4 Videos)

Hang Cleans is one of the best exercises to help increase your vertical for volleyball. This entire series of 4 videos is free in order to give you a taste of Reid Hall expertise as a strength and conditioning coach as well as introduce you to our new 1 on 1 volleyball training / workout / lifting and nutrition program. For more details, see the information below no this exciting new program.


Beach Volleyball Yoga Cool Down Exercises – Video 3 of 3

This is the third video of 3 for our Beach Volleyball Yoga Cool Downs. The instructor is Maya Talisa, Yoga Volleyball Expert. Maya has been featured in Volleyball Magazine and has worked with players in NCAA, AVP and FIVB. This video features multiple exercises and will target your forearms, your wrist, your full back, you ankles, calves and feet.


Beach Volleyball Yoga Cool Down Exercises – Video 2 of 3

This is video 2 of 3 for our Beach Volleyball Yoga Cool Down Series. This video features volleyball yoga expert Maya Talisa. Maya has been featured in Volleyball Magazine and has worked with players in NCAA, AVP and FIVB. This video features multiple exercises and will target your lower back, shoulders, chest and hamstrings.


Beach Volleyball Yoga Cool Down Exercises – Video 1 of 3

This beach volleyball yoga cool down video features multiple exercises and will target your chest, upper back, shoulders, glutes and your hips. This video is brought to you by Maya Talisa who has been featured in Volleyball Magazine.


6 on 6 Game Play, Building On What Was Practiced But in a Game-Like Situation – Chris Austin

This video now features the 6 on 6 game play portion of practice. This is where all the skills and drills so far are now introduced in a game like situation to maximize transfer in the athletes. As a side note, Chris left the following day to go compete in Europe professionally playing indoor.


Review of Practice Thus Far and The Goals For the Rest of The Training – Chris Austin

In this video Andor and Chris discuss and review the practice thus far and the goals for the rest of the training. Chris also outlines how he plans on now incorporating the skills that the players learned and worked on in the early part of practice into the game like 6 on 6 portion of practice.


5 Rep Jump Serve Drill, Verbal Cues and Purpose with Chris Austin

The next drill is 5 rep each jump serve drill. This video includes verbal cues for coaching indoor volleyball jump serving. Also in this video Chris discusses the timing and purpose of the drill.


Chris Austin on Volleyball Coaching Verbal Cues for Routes, Rhythm and Timing

This is a great video for volleyball coaches where Chris Austin explains some of his volleyball coaching cues for routes, rhythm and timing. Chris explains consistent concepts he uses so that players can quickly understand what he means without having to explain himself each time. We highly suggest you use this or something similar for your own coaching system.


Hitting Lines Drills – 2 Balls, One Fast, then Another Slower With Transition Footwork – Chris Austin (6 Videos)

This videos features a different version of the hitting lines warm up drills. Each player gets 2 balls, one fast, then another slower ball which simulates transition footwork with a slower set. This drill again shows how much thought Cris puts into every drill and designing his practice to maximize good touches and game like situations.


5 Rep Jump Float Serve Drill, Verbal Cues and Purpose with Chris Austin

This drill features 5 reps each of the players performing the jump float serve. This drill and video includes verbal cues, plus some great info on why each player on Chris’s team learn every type of serve and can perform them in game if needed. This style and philosophy of coaching is not common but makes allot of sense and should be adopted by more coaches.


Joust or Tool The Blocker Offensive Hitting Drill with Chris Austin (3 Videos)

This series of 3 videos features Chris Austin teaching his players the important skills of jousting and tooling the block. This is another series of videos that highlights how good Chris is as a coach. He is able to help and teach his players a new skill quickly and because of how the drill is designed and how he teaches, the player experience allot of transfer and pick up the skill rather quickly.


Chris Austin Take Advantage Of Over Pass Drill – Hit Around, Swipe, Tool

In this video Chris Austin has his players run a drill focusing on taking advantage of an over pass by hitting around the block, swiping or tooling. This video demonstrates Chris creativity as well as should help coaches learn how to make more unique drills themselves. Also again it is insightful to see how a coach should adjust practice planning based upon individual and team goals and problems.


Understanding Practice Planning Based Upon Goals and Time – Chris Austin

In this video Chris Austin breaks down practice planning based upon goals and time line with in the season. It is important for coaches to hear and learn when he is results based focused verses technical outcome focused. Also how things change from day to day, week to week and month to month. Allot of thought goes into good coaching and when you listen to someone like Chris you will see how this happens!


5 Rep Standing Float Serve Drill, Verbal Cues and Purpose with Chris Austin

This part of practice features 5 rep standing float serve drill for each player. This video features coaching verbal cues info as to the purpose of working on the standing float serve. What I also like about Chris coaching style is that all players can perform all serves successfully. This allows allot more flexibility of what the players can do at the service line plus raises the expectations and responsibilities each player has when serving.


5 by 5 Ball Control and Armswing Warm Up Drill with Chris Austin

This drill features 5 different skills / mini drills that they do 5 times each between 2 players. The drill, call 5 by 5 ball control and armswing warm up again shows how Chris controls every aspect of practice so as to maximize every ball touch and help his players develop ball control and good habits while doing it. It is remarkable watching this when you compare how 99% of coaches organize their practice by comparison.


Controlled Volleyball Setting Warm Up Drill with Chris Austin

This video features the controlled volleyball setting warm up drill with Chris Austin. This video is revealing as it shows how Chris control many aspects of the practice to help the players maintain good form and technique. In this drill the number of contacts is limited during the drill in order to keep the players in system and thus more controlled while executing the skills needed to perform the drill.


Team Volleyball Blocking Trips with Chris Austin

This video features team volleyball blocking trips with Chris Austin. In this video you will hear important verbal cues when coaching volleyball blocking technique. To see more indoor blocking drills or beach blocking drills click the links. Also click the links for indoor blocking technique, beach blocking technique, indoor blocking demonstrations and beach blocking demonstrations.


Volleyball Warm Up Exercises and Drills – Jog, Core, Dynamics with Chris Austin

The next video features volleyball warm up exercises and drills called jog, core, dynamics. This is a great warm up for players of all levels and is quick and effective. This drill is a combination of what Chris learned at UCI (Playing), USC (Coaching), and USA National Team (Coaching and Playing).


Early Practice Volleyball Visualization Exercises with Chris Austin and Team

This video features Chris Austin taking his team through a early practice volleyball visualization exercises. This is a the first time we have filmed this in practice, yet volleyball visualization it not something unheard of. For Example we have filmed practices with Tom Black where the team has done visualization before or after practice.
