Eric Fonoimoana Beach Volleyball Spiking

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana presents his series on spiking and sideing out every single time. Known as a powerful attacker Eric tells how he became prolific in scoring points.
Prepare and sell the hit by always being aggressive on the jump. A higher vertical is achieved by swinging the arms back on the approach then swinging the arms up to get out of the sand quicker. Scout out the opponents defense before the spike to get the kill.


Eric Fonoimoana Beach Volleyball Defense

Defense wins championships. Eric presents a series of videos on defense that led him to the ultimate prize, an Olympic gold medal.

1. Begin by positioning on the sand with the feet and arms in the correct location.
2. Using correct footwork to run down a shot with minimal steps increases speed.


Eric Fonoimoana Beach Volleyball Blocking

ric shows how dropping off the net means first identifying when to drop into the court after the set is made. In this series it is described how learning this skill helped make him an Olympic gold medalist.

1. Good footwork starts with the inside foot facing parallel to the net and ending with a hop step.


Eric Fonoimoana Beach Volleyball Bump Setting

Eric learned on the beach how to bump set and now presents a series of videos showing how to master this skill. Valuable insight on how to use the bump set properly is explained from the 2000 Olympic gold medalist.
1. Start in the correct stance by getting the platform out early and level to the ground.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Situps

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Situps on the TRAINERmat.

The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Side Plank

lympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Side Plank on the TRAINERmat.

The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Volleyball Stretch and Exercises – TRAINERmat – Intro

I want to share this excellent news with our paid members of a project I have been working on with Gold Medalists Eric Fonoimoana and Misty May-Treanor who have developed this phenomenal volleyball stretching mat named TRAINERmat.

TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide.


Volleyball Stretch and Exercises – TRAINERmat – Series 1

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates 1 through 5 of the 27 exercises designed by him and fellow gold medalist Misty May-Treanor on the TRAINERmat.

The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Volleyball Stretch and Exercises – TRAINERmat – Series 2

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates 6 through 10 of the 27 exercises designed by him and fellow gold medalist Misty May-Treanor on the TRAINERmat.

The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide.


Volleyball Stretch and Exercises – TRAINERmat – Series 3

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates 11 through 15 of the 27 exercises designed by him and fellow gold medalist Misty May-Treanor on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide.


Volleyball Stretch and Exercises – TRAINERmat – Series 4

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates 16 through 20 of the 27 exercises designed by him and fellow gold medalist Misty May-Treanor on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide.


Volleyball Stretch and Exercises – TRAINERmat – Series 5

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates 21 through 27 of the 27 exercises designed by him and fellow gold medalist Misty May-Treanor on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – One Leg Plank

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – One Leg Plank on the TRAINERmat.

The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Plank

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Plank on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Extended Childs Pose

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Extended Childs Pose on the TRAINERmat.

The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Cobra Hold

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Cobra Hold on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Reclining Spinal Twist

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Reclining Spinal Twist on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Forearm Stretch Hand Down

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Forearm Stretch Hand Down.

The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Open Book

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Open Book on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Piriformis Stretch

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Piriformis Stretch on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Warrior Pose

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Warrior Pose.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Single-Double Knee to Chest

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Volleyball Stretching – Single-Double Knee to Chest on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Plow Pose

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Plow Pose.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide. The mat’s 27 exercises are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their sport performance.


Eric Fonoimoana Volleyball Stretching – Seated Leg Stretch

Olympic gold medalist Eric Fonoimoana demonstrates 16 through 20 of the 27 exercises designed by him and fellow gold medalist Misty May-Treanor on the TRAINERmat.
The TRAINERmat is designed for both indoor and outdoor volleyball fitness. This sport-specific mat features the strengthening and stretching exercises used by professional volleyball players worldwide.
