Priscilla Lima Beach Volleyball Transition
Priscilla talks in a series of 6 videos about transitioning from indoors to the beach. This series is best for new beach volleyball players who used to play indoor volleyball.
DetailsPriscilla talks in a series of 6 videos about transitioning from indoors to the beach. This series is best for new beach volleyball players who used to play indoor volleyball.
DetailsPriscilla demonstrates a court vision beach drill. The drill has the hitter use their peripheral vision to hit to a coach, without a call from the setter.
DetailsPriscilla presents how to use the cut shot on the beach. Instruction includes how to disguise the cut until the last second then find the open court.
DetailsPriscilla shows and explains a cut shot drill. The drill is run on both sides of the court with two players.
DetailsPriscilla presents two line shot drills for the beach. Each drill is with two players switching to both sides of the net for a lot of touches and cardio.
DetailsPriscilla demonstrates a series of speed and agility beach drills. This set of ladder drills build on speed, footwork and agility to help with all areas of volleyball play.
DetailsPriscilla walks through a drill for beach volleyball defense. The drill includes digging two hard shots then chasing down a line shot or a cut shot on defense. To view all of Priscilla Lima’s videos – Click Here!
DetailsPriscilla talks about transition setting for blockers on the beach plus a transition setting drill. Details include proper footwork for how to pull off the net from both sides whenrunning this beach setting drill.
DetailsPriscilla presents a drill on passing the short and deep serve. The drill enforces identifying each serve so that players are not caught off guard.
DetailsPriscilla presents a passing drill for moving side to side. Players need to get behind the ball and focus passing straight in front of them.
DetailsMarcin presents a six video series of drills / exercises for agility and jumping. Every drill should be done as fast as possible due to the explosive movements required in volleyball.
DetailsBeing a former hitter indoors Marcin demonstrates how to play effective volleyball defense with proper body position and footwork.
DetailsUpper back injuries are very common due to the number of overhead movements in volleyball. Marcin walks through several strength and conditioning exercises to keep players upper back healthy when playing volleyball.
DetailsKnee issues are caused by over use or muscular imbalance, particularly in the quads for volleyball players. Marcin demonstrates two exercises he learned as a certified trainer to correct this.
DetailsShoulder rehab and strengthening is vital to volleyball players in order to spike harder. Marcin talks about four different exercises to keep the shoulder injury free.
DetailsMany injuries occur in the lower back when playing and training for volleyball. Marcin shows three exercises using only your body weight to keep the back healthy so your stay on the court longer.
DetailsRolling out improves players mechanics and revolutionizes how the body functions. Marcin demonstrates how to foam roll more effectively on your lower body.
DetailsRolling out the upper body is just as important as the lower body. Marcin demonstrates how to foam roll out effectively for volleyball.
DetailsMarcin talks about the importance of stretching after playing or working out. Included are two different volleyball stretches to stay loose. To view all of Marcin Jagoda’s videos – Click Here!
DetailsMarcin talks about firing up fast twitch muscles during practice and a tournament. Three exercises are presented and demonstrated to help you perform better on the volleyball court.
DetailsMarcin talks about proper nutrition for volleyball practice and tournaments. The days of eating pizza before playing are done.
DetailsSupplements give quicker recovery from playing and working out. Marcin talks about two nutritional supplements that work very well for recovery and strength building.
DetailsJeff presents a series of videos on middle blocking. This set starts with the correct eye sequence, goes through the best form and technique and finishes with advanced reads of the opponents offense.
DetailsJeff shares his insight on middle hitting. This series demonstrates how to be deceptive and beat the blocker to the punch when spiking out the middle.
1. The gap is always placed between area two and area three. Make the approach from the middle position with correct form to maximize power and range to all angles of the court.
DetailsThe middle front one ball is a very fast attack meant to beat the blocker with quickness and speed. Jeff talks about and demonstrates the correct form for this attack.
DetailsThe Bic is a very well known play in volleyball that gets its name from Stein Metzger and Jeff Nygaard. Jeff had a direct hand in naming the play while winning two NCAA championships. Here he talks about it and how to run it successfully.
DetailsJeff shows the correct footwork when pulling off the net when playing indoor volleyball as a middle blocker.
DetailsIn transition and an ideal world everything is three steps. Three steps to the block, three steps to the starting position, three steps on the approach. Jeff shows how it’s done.
DetailsWhen moving to block area four use three steps to the block, three steps to the starting position, three steps on the approach. Jeff shows how it’s done with good volleyball blocking footwork.
DetailsJeff lets out a secret because he likes to let out secrets. When all the blockers are bunched together in the middle, correct footwork will prevent the blockers from crashing into each other when moving to the outside.
DetailsWhen covering the entire net while blocking long distances have to be traveled. Jeff demonstrates an advanced piece of footwork that moves the blocker quickly from one side of the court to the other side. To view all of Jeff Nygaard’s videos – Click Here!
DetailsTaking risks means knowing the opponent and recognizing when to not do a normal block, but to take away the hitters favorite shot. Jeff presents an example how how to be smarter as a blocker.