First Year National Champion Coach Shares Advice on Volleyball Recruiting

Trevor Johnson, Concordia University shares coaching advice on volleyball recruiting that helped him win the NAIA National Championship their first year as a program. This is a great video where Trevor offers easy to use insights that will help with your recruiting effort if you are a coach.


NAIA Coach of Year and National Champion Share Coaching Advice on How to Win

Trevor Johnson shares coaching advice on how to win and what he did as a coach to help his program have success its first year. This video is an eye opener and will help you as a coach with important elements for success.


Wes Schneider – Volleyball Tennis Drill or Vollis

Volleyball Tennis Drill is a movement and passing warm up drill Wes uses occasionally with his team before match days to have a little fun and get the team moving. The drill focuses and improves a number of different skills including but not limited to; passing, movement and reading.


5 Video Beach Volleyball Spiking Series, with Bonus Video with Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is one of the most accomplished beach volleyball coaches in the world having won the gold medal with the Australian women’s beach team in 2000 and is the current heard coach of Beach Volleyball Canada. In these 6 video series Steve teach correct beach volleyball spiking technique.


Beach Volleyball Spiking with Steve Anderson – Video 4 Gift Circle

In this video Steve talk about an important concept for beach volleyball offense, meaning spiking as well as beach defense. This is the concept of the gift circle and understanding when spiking as much as possible to hit outside the circle while on defense to be able to dig every ball in the circle!


ProSeries – Volleyball Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Ice Pack Wrap for Rehabilitation

Volleyball1on1 is excited to offer a Free ProSeries Volleyball Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Ice Wraps to all Gold and Platinum Members. Also enter the coupon code VB1on1 and receive a 20% discount on your next purchase. This is the best Ice Wrap in the market for shoulder rotator cuff injuries from hammering and spiking volley balls. See what volleyball legends below have to say:


Beach Volleyball Blocking with Steve Anderson – Video 1 Demonstration

Video 1 on Beach Volleyball Blocking with Steve Anderson is a demonstration on what is good blocking technique. In this video Steve Anderson and Andor Gyulai – Owner go through a blocking series showing what is good technique for blocking.


Beach Volleyball Blocking with Steve Anderson – Video 2 Mindset

Video 2 of Beach Volleyball Blocking with Steve Anderson focuses on the blockers “Mindset” when at the net blocking. Most blockers because of indoor background playing volleyball or misunderstanding take the role of a “blocker mindset” when blocking a volleyball, Steve shares how to change that!


Beach Volleyball Defense with Steve Anderson – Video 2 Positioning

Video 2 in beach defense is on positioning. Positioning is the starting point of good beach volleyball defense and when looking at positioning you need to look at two things, one can you get to the majority of the balls, two are you in a position to dig the power ball?


Beach Volleyball Defense with Steve Anderson – Video 4 Play On the Ball

Video 4 on beach volleyball defense is play on the ball. This videos is very revealing and talks about a number of important points including: – Weight on the out side leg in the direction you are looking to move. – Shoulder position on contact to bring the ball back to the other defender –…


Beach Volleyball Serving with Steve Anderson – Video 3 Address

Video 3 with Steve Anderson on Beach Serving discusses addressing the ball or the toss. This is a critical part of serving which is often neglected in our sport relative to a sport like tennis. Steve’s shares his effective and proven step by step approach to addressing the ball.
