Bill Ferguson – Volleyball Blocking Trips with Hit Off Box from 2014 Practice

In this video you will see the team running blocking trips. What makes this different from previous times we have filmed USC Volleyball practices is that the coaching staff has added hitting off the boxes. This gives a more real game like element and definitely improves the practice and drill.


Bill Ferguson – Volleyball Practice Plan Overview From Practice 3, 2014

This video offers a practice overview with Bill Ferguson of USC. This video highlights the theme of the practice namely tell the truth Monday and in the practice breakdown you will see how concepts from the war room video session come through into skill building ideas for practice.


Bill Ferguson -DROM Volleyball Warm Up, 2014 Practice

This video shows the DROM – Dynamic Range of Motion Warm Up used by USC men’s volleyball team. A good DROM warm up has been proven to increase athletic performance and decrease injuries. This video is insightful especially when compared to the previous practice plans filmed with Bill and seeing how the warm up has changed in even just a year.


Bill Harrison – Central Vision Slows the Game Down

In this video Bill Harrison describes and teaches about central vision and how this skill if used correctly can significantly slow the game down. The problem is this skill has real physical limitations and it is important to understand these limitations when using the skill to improve athletic performance.


Bill Harrison – With Rapid Switching of Your Eyes You Cannot Think

In this video Dr.Bill Harrison discusses how the rapid switching of your eyes stops thinking and forces only seeing. This is an extremely powerful concept that can be used by players to eliminate the focus on past errors that just happened and rather focus on the coming next play.


Bill Harrison – Biggest Mistake in Sports

Until recently most coaches were flat out wrong as too why an error occurred in the kinetic chain of motor skill movement as it relates to sports. For most coaches the focus of the breakdown will generally be perceived as a breakdown in technique or a breakdown in mental concentration. What is interesting is that nothing could be further from the truth. Most mistakes in sports occur because of a breakdown in vision.


Cal Baptist University Volleyball Practice with Coach Wes Schneider – Feb, 2014

This is a full volleyball practice plan and review of the practice with Wes Schneider and Cal Baptist University Men’s Program. Cal Baptist University boast one of the most successful volleyball programs in NAIA volleyball history winning 8 of the last 11 National Championships. The program is coached by Wes Schneider.


Concordia University Volleyball Practice with Coach Shawn Patchell – Feb, 2014

In February of 2014 we traveled to Concordia University to film a practice with coach Shawn Patchell. To be honest at the time we knew little about this incredible coach but after the mind blowing practice and conversations from the office we quickly went and did our homework! Shawn is an incredible coach that has coached and won at all levels.


Conversations from the Office – Allan Vince, Cal Baptist University Men’s Volleyball Assistant Coach

This is a video featuring Allan Vince, Cal Baptist University Men’s Volleyball Assistant Coach. Allan has had a remarkable career as a player for UCLA and overseas as a pro. His understanding as an assistant coach is remarkable and it is just a matter of time till he is the head coach somewhere.


Conversations from the Office – Wes Schneider On Cal Baptist University and Volleyball

In this video coach Wes Schneider talks about Cal Baptist University and its volleyball program. Along with the campus tour this video offers great insights on playing volleyball at Cal Baptist for Wes Schneider and Allan Vince. This video plus others are a must see for players looking to play D1, D2, D3, NAIA College Men’s Volleyball in the United States.


Conversations from the Office – Wes Schneider Coaching Style and Why

In video and post we get an opportunity to learn about coach Wes Schneider coaching style and why. The question is broad and really revealing as it tells you allot about what the coach focuses on and thinks is important as a coach. Also it reveals allot about what they think are important traits for volleyball coaching success.


Conversations from the Office – Wes Schneider Mentors Along the Way

This video features a frank and fun conversation about Wes mentors as a coach. No great coach went the road by himself, rather they had help and often learned from the best. In this video is an intimate look at who helped Wes become a good coach and how all coaches should do the same.


Conversations from the Office – Standard Volleyball Drill

This video features a conversations from the office with Wes Schneider on the Standard Drill. The drill is used for 6 on 6 game like situations instead of just playing a game to 25. What it allows the teams to do is focus on just defense or just offense while still playing balls out and working and playing out of transition.


Conversations from the Office – Tough Swings Volleyball Drill

This video features a conversation from the office on the tough swings volleyball drill. This drill simulates a large block the players will be facing competing in one the toughest division in all of sports MPSF Men’s Volleyball.


Conversations from the Office – Volleyball Tennis Drill

In this video Wes and Andor talk about the volleyball tennis drill. This is a drill Wes likes to run at the start of practice to warm his players up. The drill also works on several skills including ball control, passing, movement, and reading. Also Wes like the drill because it sets a good tone for practice and gets his players competing early.


Wes Schneider – Tough Swings Volleyball Drill – Round 2

Round 2 of the tough swings drill from earlier. This video sequence includes more verbal cues from the coaches as well as watching the opposites now run the drill. As stated earlier Wes runs this drill to help his attackers deal with a defense that they are not used to particularly on a bad pass where the defense knows the ball is going to the outside.


Wes Schneider – Servers vs. Passers Volleyball Drill – Round 2

This is round 2 of the servers verses passers drill. This drill obviously works on serving and passing for the team. Add on to traditional serving and passing include the coach on the box entering in a second ball after the serve. This is done to increase the number of reps for the players plus have a controlled situation where coaches can work on specific things for the passers.


Wes Schneider – Tough Swings Volleyball Drill – Round 1

This video features Wes Schneider running the tough swings volleyball drill. Wes run this drill to simulate the tough situations, particularly the tough and large block his hitters will face in matches competing in the NCAA MPSF division. In this volleyball drill for hitters, his spikers have to hit against his 2 biggest blockers where the blockers know the ball is going to the hitter. (Hitter gets 4 out 5 sets!)
