Back Squat and 3 Point Row – Strength and Power Portion Workout – Velocity Workout 2 – Jump and Landing Day (2 Videos)

The next portion of workout 2 is the strength and power portion of the workout. Each day and all of Velocity’s workouts have a strength and power component to the workout. Usually this is some form of lifting often including a Olympics style lifting exercises. Today’s exercises include a back squat alternating with a 3 point row.


Jump Progression – Reviewed and Value of Good Jumping Form Reviewed

In this video Andor and Chase Cameron discuss the importance of good jumping form and how this can help you increase your vertical and more importantly decrease injury. Also discussed is what effects Chase has see with his athletes that do this workout.


Kettlebell Swings, Gobler Squat, RDL Stretch, TRX – Y,T,W, Rows – Velocity Workout 2 – Jump Day (Video 1 & 2)

This video contains a number of volleyball specific exercises including kettlebell swings, gobler squats, RDL stretches and TRX – Y, T, W, Rows. These exercises will help your players jump higher and avoid volleyball injuries. The TRX exercises are exceptional for shoulder posterior activation and the RDL stretch is great for hip mobility and more.


Importance of the Big Toe for Jumping in Beach Volleyball

In this video Andor and velocity sports performance coach Chase Cameron discuss an important jumping technique used by top beach volleyball players to jump higher. This idea was originally introduced up by volleyball1on1 instructor Ed Ratledge.


Thermogenic Warm Up – Jump Rope, Shallow Squat Knee Hug, Leg Cradle, Dynamic Quad Stretch, – Velocity Workout 2 – Jump Day

This is video 2 for thermogenic warm ups from Velocity Workout 2 – Jump / Landing Day. This video includes more jump rope as well as the exercises shallow squat knee hug, leg cradle and dynamic quad stretch. It’s important to watch both video 1 and video 2 to see the sequence of exercise regarding thermogenic warm up’s.


Thermogenic Warm Up – Jump Rope, Lunge and Reach, Reverse Lunge Twist, – Velocity Workout 2 – Jump Day

Velocity Workout 2 is a Jump / Landing day which means it is very important to warm up successfully. This video contains a thermogenic warm up that all volleyball trainers will love. Exercises include; Jump rope, lunge and reach, and reverse lunge twist.


5 13 14 Enews – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear, Plus Courtesy Active Ankle Brace with Membership

This week I am excited to anounce I added one full new volleyball workout with AVP Pro Trainers from Velocity Sports Performance in Newport Beach California. Velocity is one of the premier training facilities in the country and many top AVP volleyball players like our own Ed Ratledge workout there.


Anti-Rotation Core and Ab Exercise for Volleyball – Workout 1 – Linear

In this video Jason of Velocity Sports Performance goes over a drill he uses with many of his AVP pro beach players. The exercise focuses on anti-rotation core work which is critical for many movements in volleyball particularly spiking.


Strength and Power Portion Workout – Hang Clean Pull – Workout 1 – Linear (3 Videos)

This post contains 3 videos regarding the strength and power portion of the workout. The specific exercise the athletes are working on in workout 1 is the hang clean pull. This series discusses allot of important concepts including why this exercise, how it is performed, sets, reps and different ways of performing.


Volleyball Sled Run Progression Exercise Drills – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

This video is a progression from sled marches and sled skips. This video offers allot of insights and tips on correct technique for running and explosive movements. Jason Moreno describes it as energy bleed and how to move effectively so as to stop energy bleed during your explosive movements.


Review of Workout Thus Far – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

This video is a review and update of the workout and exercises thus far from workout 1 at velocity which is a linear day. Points discussed included goals of this workout, exercises and drills, the different phases of the workout and training.


Volleyball Sled Resisted Skip Exercise Drills – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

This video and exercise is the progression from the previous exercise namely sled marches. Sled resisted skips like sled marches builds explosive power that is used in all areas of volleyball play especially jumping and movement.


Volleyball Sled Marches Exercise Drills – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

In this video you will learn about sled marches and the important points to consider as well as the benefits when performing this exercise. It is really revealing how important it is to work with expert trainers as even college volleyball players need correcting on drills as proven by this video and exercise.


Volleyball Single Leg Step Ups Exercise Drill – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear

The next drill is the single leg step up drill where the players step up onto a 6, 12 or 18 inch box. Not 18 inch box might be for elite Olympic level athletes so most user should look at the 6 or 12 inch box. This exercise builds leg muscle explosion which can be used for pretty much everything in volleyball including jumping and defense.


Sumo Squat Touchdown and Series of Runs with No False Step – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

This video contains the sumo squat touchdown exercise as well as drills to help work on no false steps with your movement. The sumo squat touchdown is a great exercise and works on hip mobility and hamstring flexibility.


Shoulder Posterior Activation Using TRX – Y T W Exercises – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear

This video contains exercises for shoulder posterior activation. The equipment used for this is TRX Trainer and the specific exercises are the Y T W exercises. The exercises are given these names as this is the shape you make with your arms as you do them and it makes it easy to remember.


Glut Med Activation Exercises – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear (2 Videos)

This video contains part of the warm up. This includes glut med activation exercises used to warm up critical areas of the body as well as increase the heart rate. This exercise can also be used to help identify weaknesses, imbalances and potential future injuries. Experienced instructors can use this exercise to also identify and modify the workout as needed.


Velocity Workout 1 – Meet the Instructor Jason Moreno

In this video you will meet the instructor Jason Morneo. Jason is a 15 year sports performance coach who works with professional athletes, Olympian’s, college players and young athletes looking to play volleyball seriously. He personally coaches professional beach volleyball players on the AVP tour like Ed Ratledge.


Introduction to Velocity Sports Performance and the Facility

In this video Andor Gyulai (Owner shares some quick info about Velocity Sports Performance, their staff and the training facility. It is important to see this video before watching the other videos in the series so you have a little bit more info about the company.


All of Bill Ferguson Volleyball Videos, Drills and Articles

I am excited to add our newest volleyball coach this month (1/18/13) USC Men’s Head Volleyball Coach – Bill Ferguson. I have been friends with Bill for a number of years now, back to when I ran my own club of 8 teams and his volleyball coaching accomplishments are nothing short of incredible!

For information of USC Volleyball – Click Here
