Volleyball Defense Demo, Side View at 25% and 100% Speed with Mike Diehl

This is a volleyball indoor defense demo with Mike Diehl of volleyball1on1.com. This is a side view slowed to 25% and 100% speed. Mike Diehl was a NCAA Champion at UCLA, a 4 Man Bud Light Tour MVP and Kill Leader, and a 15 Year European Indoor Pro. While playing Pro in Europe Mike was 3 time league MVP, along with being the league kill and ace leader. Mike is also a certified personal trainer and has been coaching volleyball for almost 15 years.


Volleyball Defense Demo, 45 Degree Angle View at 25% and 100% Speed with Mike Diehl

This is a volleyball indoor defense demo with Mike Diehl of volleyball1on1.com. This is a 45 degree angle view at 25% and 100% speed. Mike Diehl was a NCAA Champion at UCLA, a 4 Man Bud Light Tour MVP and Kill Leader, and a 15 Year European Indoor Pro. While playing Pro in Europe Mike was 3 time league MVP, along with being the league kill and ace leader.


Left Side Volleyball Blocking Demo, Side View at 25% and 100% Speed with Mike Diehl

This is a volleyball indoor left side blocking demo with Mike Diehl of volleyball1on1.com. This is a side view slowed to 25% speed. Mike Diehl was a NCAA Champion at UCLA, a 4 Man Bud Light Tour MVP and Kill Leader, and a 15 Year European Indoor Pro.


Left Side Volleyball Blocking Demo, Back View at 25% and 100% Speed with Mike Diehl

This is a volleyball indoor left side blocking demo with Mike Diehl of volleyball1on1.com. This is a back view slowed to 25% speed. Mike Diehl was a NCAA Champion at UCLA, a 4 Man Bud Light Tour MVP and Kill Leader, and a 15 Year European Indoor Pro.


Volleyball Demonstration – Kerri Walsh and April Ross – Sideout Off Two Ball Attack Off Serve, April Spiking

This volleyball demonstration features Kerri Walsh setting April Ross to attack the second ball while the blocker is running up. As you can see the defense is not ready and gets absolutely owned on the play. This play should be run when the defense has a blocker that serves a weak serve that is easy to pass and you partner is a strong hitter.


Volleyball Demonstration – Kerri Walsh and April Ross – Angle Block, Line Defense with April Blocking

Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross are featured in this demonstration with Kerri Serving and playing line defense and April blocking Angle. Kerri and April are two of the top beach players in the world and this was their first tournament playing together.


Volleyball Demonstration – Kerri Walsh and April Ross – Sideout on Angle Attack Off Serve, Kerri Spiking

This Volleyball Demonstration features a sideout pass, set, hit with Olympians Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross. Kerri passes serve and attacks while April sets. Kerri spikes a hard angle ball that is dug but not controlled well and converted.


Demo Kerri Walsh and April Ross – Sideout on Line Attack Off Serve, April Spiking

This 7 Angle volleyball demonstration features a sideout attack off serve with pass (April), set (Kerri) and spike (April). This was the first tournament the two Olympians played together in and yet they won it. Kerri Walsh Jennings is a 3 Time Gold Medal Olympian and April Ross is a Silver Medal Olympian.


Demo Kerri Walsh and April Ross – Line Block, Angle Defense with Volleyball Transition Hit, April Blocking

In this 7 Angle volleyball demonstration, Kerri Walsh Jennings (3 Time Gold Medalist) and April Ross (Silver Medalist) demonstrate a line block by April with Kerri doing angle defense. This video includes Kerri digging the ball with a transition spike / hit.


Demo – Kerri Walsh and April Ross – Angle Block, Line Defense with Volleyball Transition Hit, Kerri Blocking

This volleyball demonstration includes Olympic Gold and Silver Medalist Kerri Walsh and April Ross. This is the first tournament the two played together in Huntington Beach, CA for the AVP Tour in 2013. This video demonstration features a angle block by Kerri Walsh Jennings with April Ross playing defense and running the line, followed by a transition set and hit.


Velocity Volleyball Workout 2 – Jump / Landing Day Training with Chase Cameron (16 Videos)

This series of 16 videos features a Jump / Landing Workout filmed at Velocity Newport Mesa with Sports Performance Coach Chase Cameron. Chase and the rest of the Velocity team train allot of top volleyball players including Pro AVP players like Ed Ratledge. This is the second of three workouts we filmed at Velocity Sports Performance.


Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear Day Training with Jason Moreno (22 Videos)

This series of videos was filmed at Velocity Newport Mesa with Sports Performance Coach Jason Moreno. Jason and their team train allot of top volleyball players including Pro AVP players like Ed Ratledge. This is one of three workouts we filmed at Velocity Sports Performance. For those of you looking for live in person training with velocity contact them directly.


Information about Velocity Sports Performance

Here at Volleyball1on1 we feel Velocity Sports Performance – Newport Mesa offers one of the best workout facilities with some of the best trainers available for volleyball anywhere. In this video you will find out a little more about Velocity Sports Performance and working with their expert trainers. If you have questions and would like a personal testimonial from Andor Gyulai the owner of volleyball1on1 on working with them contact us!


Core Exercises – Landmine Press – Strength and Power Portion of Velocity Workout 3

This video features another great core full body workout exercise for volleyball. This exercise namely landmine press works both the core and upper body to help athletes and trainers maximize the use of time while in the gym.


RDL and Core, Anti Rotation Stability – Strength and Power Portion of Velocity Workout 3

This video contains two of our favorite exercises for volleyball, RDL’s (Romanian Dead lift) and anti rotation core stability training. What we like about RDL is that it is one of the best exercises to build hamstrings, one of the most critical muscles for jumping and volleyball. As for the core anti rotation stability exercise, we love this exercise as what we hear from many of our top athletes is that this is one of the most important factors for injury prevention when spiking.


Hang Power Snatch Exercise and Ankle Mobility- Strength and Power Portion of Velocity Workout 3

This video contains two exercises, the hang power snatch and an ankle mobility exercise. This video is over 15 minutes long and as such will be a little slower to download. This video gets extremely detailed on teaching a hang power snatch to athletes and uses progressive steps to have success.


Strength and Power Portion of Velocity Workout 3 Explained

In this video, Velocity Sports Performance Coach – Chase Cameron explains our goals for the next portion of the workout, the strength and power portion. This video will give you not only an insight into how this workout is designed but also how Velocity designs their weekly workout plan which generally consist of 3 workouts a week. A linear day, a jump / landing day and a multi-directional day.


Cone and Ball Drill Exercise for Movement Portion – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional

This video is a progression from the previous cone drill as now a ball is added to the exercise to make it more dynamic and volleyball game like. This forces the athletes to concentrate in new ways and use other skills to perform the exercise.


Cone Drill Exercise for Movement Portion – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional

his video contains a cone drill for the multi- directional movement portion of the workout. what we like about this exercise is that it is volleyball specific and can easily be modified or adjusted to meet your players unique needs. Also it is added straight to the workout so your athletes are learning volleyball specific movements while training and improving athletic performance.


Dynamic vs. Static Stretching Explained by Chase Cameron of Velocity Fitness

In this video Chase Cameron, Velocity Sports Perseverance Coach explains the difference between Static and dynamic stretching and when each type of stretching should be used and why. This video offers a good quick explanation and is a must see for any player, coach or trainer who does not fully understand the subject and the impact on volleyball athletic performance.


Movement Portion – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional

This video contains exercises for the movement portion of velocity workout 3 – multi directional workout. The ability for volleyball athletes to move successfully in all directions is critical for volleyball defense especially beach volleyball defense.


Pogo Volleyball Exercise Drills – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional

The pogo volleyball exercise drill is a great drill that accomplishes multiple task including, warming up athletes, increasing linear and multi-directional speed, and improving athletes vertical jump.


Thermogenic Warm Up – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional (2 Videos)

Volleyball thermogenic warm up’s are a good way to get ready for most volleyball related activity including lifting, training, sprinting, workouts and of course playing volleyball. Thermogenesis is a process in which the body generates heat. In exercise-induced thermogenesis, the body creates heat to warm up the muscles because warm muscles work better and more efficiently.


L vs. I Route and Offensive Strategy in Beach Volleyball

This video focuses specifically on L vs. I Route and Offensive Strategy in Beach Volleyball. This video is part of a larger video but starts at the specific location where Andor starts talking about the L and I formation offense in beach volleyball. Video includes examples from Kerri Walsh Jennings, Sean Rosenthal, Casey Patterson, Emanuel Rego and more…


Glut Med Activation Exercises – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional

This video contains the Glut Med Activation exercises used by the athletes to get ready for workout 3. These exercises should be used before workouts as well as physical training / playing. Top players like Sean Rosenthal and Phil Dalhausser do glut med activation exercises before practice.


ESD Training – Battle Ropes – Double, Alternating and Butterfly Arm Swings

The final portion of the workout is some ESD – Energy System Development training. Also called volleyball conditioning training. For workout 2 Chase picked “Battle Ropes” exercises including; Double, Alternating and Butterfly Arm Swings.


Split Squat and Pull Up – Strength and Power Portion Workout – Velocity Workout 2 – Jump & Landing Day

This is the 2nd series of exercises from the strength and power portion of workout 2. Again 2 exercises are done at the same time switching back and fourth during rest. Also try not to laugh to hard when you see Andor in his 3rd set of pull up’s really really struggle! 🙂
