As all players know patellar tendonitis is a common volleyball injury that affects players of all levels. In this video we show a new taping technique using Dynamic Bio Mechanic Tape. Dynamic Tape is a new tape on the market that offers a new way to address common volleyball injuries. This taping technique is pretty simple and can be performed by a player, parent, coach or trainer.
This taping technique is also useful for osgood-schlatter disease, a common injury in youth volleyball players.
This tape is completely unique to traditional athletic tape or kinesiology tape. This tape has an elastic capacity well in excess of 200% as well as it stretches in all directions unlike kineso tape which only stretches in two directions. What this means is the tape can be used like a spring or bungee cord to create and absorb load during athletic movement. This ability to create and absorb load means it can be used in a number of capacities including injury prevention and changing movement mechanics. Get a FREE ROLL OF DYNAMIC TAPE BELOW!
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