Volleyball1on1 offers incredible resources to improve volleyball skills. this includes help with the skills of spiking, passing, setting, serving, blocking and defense.
In this videos Chris Harger focuses on timing and setting the block as it relates to coaching youth volleyball blocking technique. Points discussed include: timing, where to set the block based upon the attack, tips for blocking the attacker and more.
In this videos Chris Harger focuses on vision and āReading the gameā as it relates to coaching youth volleyball blocking technique. Points discussed include: Visual sequence, ball ā setter ā ball ā hitter, reading the setter, examples; overrunning the ball, dropping their hands, arching the back, set against the flow, reading the hitter, plus more.
This video by Chris Harger offers powerful tips, coaching cues and advice for teaching youth volleyball blocking technique. This 10 minute video is on footwork specifically and offers some of the best advice on everything volleyball blocking including: – The need and how to get 3 players up on every block – Footwork so that…
This is video 1 in a 5 part video series with Andor Gyulai and Chris Harger on coaching youth volleyball blocking technique. In this video, video 1 Andor discusses in detail a coaching tip he picked up from gold medal coach Steve Anderson to help improve players mindset when blocking! This is a powerful coaching tip and a great way to start when teaching youth how to block both indoor or on the beach.
In this video Andor Gyulai Owner of Volleyball1on1.com teaches a young 13 year old player how to have more control hitting by using a high controlled volleyball spiking technique for tight or off sets. At the younger ages the sets are often more in consistent and plays often less in system. Therefore it is important for coaches to teach young players how to keep the ball in play and put pressure on the opposition when out of system.
In this powerful video the OODA Loop coaching cues are used to help the player discover most of her spiking problems have less to do with technique and more to do with “Reading” and Orientation of the set. The coaching of this is successfully done by Andor using guided discovery and great open probe questions where he is constantly checking in with the players emotionally so that they are not overwhelmed but rather take the feedback as a challenge and a opportunity to grow.
In this VolleyballTots Youth Private Coaching Lessons Andor Gyulai the owner of volleyball1on1 teaches two young players age 5 the skill of setting. The video includes powerful verbal cues, plus other coaching lessons on working and coaching volleyballtots.
In this VolleyballTots Youth Private Coaching Lessons Andor Gyulai the owner of www.volleyball1on1.com teaches two young players age 5 the skill of passing. The video includes powerful verbal cues, plus other coaching lessons on working and coaching volleyballtots. This video was filmed at Andor kids school in Los Angele’s where he teach a volleyball class for youth players ages 5-12.
This video contains beach volleyball coaching tips for blocking shots plus a 2 ball defense drill with a block and a dig with Brazilian Coach Pedro Brazao coaching. This video is extremely insightful as Pedro discusses a common mistake players make when trying to block shots in beach volleyball. His answer is on point and easy to understand.
This video contains volleyball coaching advice for beach volleyball blocking. Additionally Pedro gives us a quick review of the players skill level and some thought on things the players should improve.
Please keep in mind all the players except Andor Gyulai (Volleyball1on1 Owner) have represented United States for Beach Volleyball. What this means is you are getting to watch and almost semi pro level practice and what the top players do to get better during their volleyball practices!
Physical orientation meaning where you are before you perform a volleyball skill is often critical to performing the volleyball skill correctly. With spiking where you start your approach to hit is often as important as your approach or your spiking technique. Yet few volleyball coaching models account for how players are taking in stimuli āReading the Gameā and reacting to that stimuli before performing the volleyball skill. The OODA Loop and my Modern Volleyball Coaching Blueprint is different as your physical orientation is constantly being accounted for in my model while performing the volleyball skill.
This article contains a video example and verbal cues of how Andor Gyulai teaches volleyball spiking technique using the OODA Loop.
This video series is from a recent private 1 on 1 lesson with a youth player (Age 13) from Arizona who visited Andor Gyulai for a paid private volleyball coaching lesson. This video offers and incredible amount of feedback on correct volleyball spiking technique. The amount of feedback is almost overwhelming and as such we recorded the lesson for the player and her parents to review later.
In this video Andor Gyulai points out some common beach volleyball blocking mistakes to avoid. This video also includes tips for “reading the game”, pulling and beach volleyball strategy. This video was filmed in South Africa on his recent trip from Dec 2014 – Feb 2015.
I recently hit over 2 million views for my videos on the subject of spiking on YouTube. Naturally I am always surprised and humbled because when I started Volleyball1on1 my goal was to just film the best players and coaches in the world and never did I think my videos would be some of the most popular. Today I am going to share some of these video including some of my favorite that I think are really good but have not become popular.
In this video Jason Lockhead points out a common mistake most players make with their dominant vs. their non dominant hand when blocking. Its simple to fix and can have a huge impact but players need to be conscious of it and focus on it! In this video Jason also talks about what your hands should be doing up in the air when blocking.
This video features more of Jason Lockhead’s Superman Defense Technique plus insightful ideas to help players with what is the correct mindset when playing beach defense. This video again demonstrates that great teachers / coaches have the ability to simplify the game and focus on the positive things that matter. Jason demonstrates this in this video as he does throughout practice.
This video describes Jason Lockhead Superman Defense Technique. The technique involves you putting your non digging hand in the sand for more control so that you look like superman “Flying Pose” as you fly along the top of the sand. This technique was filmed while during practice while Jason was running a 2 ball beach volleyball defense drill.
he speed of the serve in volleyball for both the jump float and the top spin jump serve has increased to the point that players have between 0.6 ā 1.1 second to react from contact from serve to contact when passing on serve receive. Given this speed the need to improve player reaction on serve receive has increased. The split step stretch shortening cycle…
For several years now I have heard from these so called volleyball arm-swing experts that the old ways of spiking a volleyball is not correct and that all players should change their arm-swing so that they can avoid shoulder injuries and spike the ball harder. I have always been very skeptical pointing out that shoulder injuries can be avoided by making some minor tweaks verses changing the entire …
This series of 3 videos features Chris Austin teaching his players the important skills of jousting and tooling the block. This is another series of videos that highlights how good Chris is as a coach. He is able to help and teach his players a new skill quickly and because of how the drill is designed and how he teaches, the player experience allot of transfer and pick up the skill rather quickly.
This setting drill is final drill in the progression of setting drills and the focus is on decision making and dumping the ball. The players approach from area 4 and then based upon the pass have to decide are they dumping or are they setting. Chris often changes the drills in the series based upon what he see as the setters needs for that week but he always trys to get at least 1 decision making drill into the setter warm up drills.
The next progression of the warm up skill building setting drills is the two setters approaching from rotations 1, 3 and 4 in serve receive type format. Each setter sets one ball and then repeats. 4 Balls each for a “In System”, “Medium”, “Out of System” pass. Focus is getting their feet set then making the same moves and footwork to the ball.
In this video Chris Austin starts by explaining how they run setting drills and clinics. Then the video follows with a progression of the setting drills with a multi-ball stationary drill. The multi-ball stationary drill basically allows the setter to get a feel of just setting, pulling together what they did in drill 1 – where the focus was just hands, and drill 2 – where the focus was just feet. The drill consist of coach tossing 8 balls to the players and the setter setting front or back with an “In system” toss.
This early practice volleyball setting drill works on just footwork patterns when setting. This drill should be performed before practice or while the rest of the team sets up the nets and warms up. You will notice hand position (Drill 1 in series) is broken up from footwork (Drill 2 in the series). This drill teaches detailed info on volleyball setting footwork.
This video features one of our favorite youth volleyball setting drills. We encourage all youth coaches – high school and club to use this or similar drills during the early part of their practice to help develop their setters. Chris is a 2 time NCAA champion starting setter under two of the best coaches in men’s volleyball (John Speraw and David Kniffin). On top of this he coached club for 4 years while starting and winning at UCI – University of California Irvine.
In this video you will learn advanced beach volleyball strategy for offense and defense used by the best players in the world including Kerri Walsh and April Ross. This video will offer new insights on running offensive and defensive routes as well as new advanced blocking calls to make this possible. This video includes demo examples with Kerri Walsh, April Ross, Casey Patterson, Emanuel Rego, and Alison Cerutti.
In this video Olympics Gold Medal beach volleyball coach Steve Anderson shares a new hand signal technique he uses for advance players to show not only the block and defense, but also where he would like the player to serve. This is extremely important for advanced beach volleyball strategy where you are looking to force your opponents into specific hitting routes and play defense according to those routes.
As most good coaches know using your trunk to initiate your volleyball spiking power is critical to avoiding injury. In this video Andor Gyulai (Owner – Volleyball1on1.com) and Ryan Kendrick (Owner – Dynamic Tape) discuss how Dynamic Bio-Mechanic tape can be used to fix and improve volleyball spiking technique.
Hi, Iām Andor Gyulai – Owner of Volleyball1on1.com, I created this video to express some frustrations I have in the new ways volleyball spiking is being taught by people who have little experience playing the game, especially beach volleyball as well as minimal experience coaching youth successfully. I made this video to bring some new points to the conversation and hopefully give some confidence to experience coaches who are questioning what they are teaching and if it is correct in their coaching philosophies.
This video was from the AVCA Video Tip Of the Week Series we filmed to help grow the sport and expand our brand. In this video we explain some of the concepts behind using volleyball demo videos to improve motor skill learning. This video is a great example of how demo videos can quickly help you or your athletes pick up difficult motor skill learning task.
This video focuses specifically on L vs. I Route and Offensive Strategy in Beach Volleyball. This video is part of a larger video but starts at the specific location where Andor starts talking about the L and I formation offense in beach volleyball. Video includes examples from Kerri Walsh Jennings, Sean Rosenthal, Casey Patterson, Emanuel Rego and more…