This area includes all volleyball1on1 post, articles, videos and information. In this section you can find most of our content we have published.

Coaching Youth Volleyball Blocking Technique – Video 4 – Vision with Chris Harger and Andor Gyulai

In this videos Chris Harger focuses on vision and “Reading the game” as it relates to coaching youth volleyball blocking technique. Points discussed include: Visual sequence, ball – setter – ball – hitter, reading the setter, examples; overrunning the ball, dropping their hands, arching the back, set against the flow, reading the hitter, plus more.

Coaching Youth Volleyball Blocking Technique – Video 3 – Footwork

This video by Chris Harger offers powerful tips, coaching cues and advice for teaching youth volleyball blocking technique. This 10 minute video is on footwork specifically and offers some of the best advice on everything volleyball blocking including: – The need and how to get 3 players up on every block – Footwork so that…

Coaching Youth Volleyball Blocking Technique – Video 1 – Mindset with Chris Harger and Andor Gyulai

This is video 1 in a 5 part video series with Andor Gyulai and Chris Harger on coaching youth volleyball blocking technique. In this video, video 1 Andor discusses in detail a coaching tip he picked up from gold medal coach Steve Anderson to help improve players mindset when blocking! This is a powerful coaching tip and a great way to start when teaching youth how to block both indoor or on the beach.

4 Person Cross Court Pepper Beach Volleyball Drill with Anjinho Bacil

This video is a continuation and filming from the earlier cross court pepper drill. This drill features allot of verbal cues and coaching on: movement, managing the ball between you and your partner, defense, ball control, setting and more. This video again shows how the best make the game simple and how they make the court smaller and easier between partners.

Youth – Age 14 Volleyball Spiking Technique Video and Online Volleyball Lesson with Andor Gyulai

This video is a youth – Age 14 volleyball spiking technique video and online volleyball lesson with Andor Gyulai. In this video young players will learn some common shared problems when learning how to spike a volleyball including: Angle of the directional first step in a 3 step approach, The unnecessary double arm pump on approach – Forward – Back – Forward, Plus more. The coaching in this video will help most young players spike a volleyball better!

Lefty Volleyball Spiking Technique Video and Online Volleyball Lesson with Andor Gyulai

This video is a left handed hitter or lefty volleyball spiking technique video and online volleyball lesson with Andor Gyulai. In this video Andor Gyulai points out many common volleyball spiking technique problems we see in youth left handed hitters. Volleyball coaching advice and tips include: Angle of approach for a left handed hitter vs. a right handed hitter, body direction and how a left handed hitter should open up, tips for left handed hitters to avoid common shoulder problems, plus more…

Half-Kneeling Rotational Lift Exercise for Volleyball Training with Eric Ilgenfritz

The half-kneeling rotational cross-body lift exercise is a great FMS corrective exercise that works on core & hip stability and left-to-right symmetry.
In volleyball rotational stability is critical for many of the volleyball skills. By going into the half-kneeling position we’re taking the legs out of the equation and putting a lot more work into the hips and trunk (Core).

Tri-Angle Warm Up Beach Volleyball Bump Setting Drill with Anjinho Bacil

This video contains the tri-angle warm up beach volleyball bump setting drill with Anjinho Bacil. The drills focuses is bump setting. This video shows allot of important concepts related to coaching and playing beach volleyball that many of the pros use to make the game simple! This includes: Passing the ball straight ahead in front of your inside leg, the correct height when passing, the correct, Approach of the setter when hand and bump setting, plus more…

Tri-Angle Warm Up Beach Volleyball Drill, Focus on Setting with Anjinho Bacil

This video features Anjinho Bacil running the Tri-Angle Warm Up Beach Volleyball Drill. This is a powerful video as he runs the players through the most commonly used drill in beach volleyball. Viewers will learn how Anjinho coaches: Player spacing between partners, approach and footwork for beach volleyball setting, passing location based upon where the ball is served, how players can simplify the game, plus more…

Anjinho Bacil Volleyball – Beach Volleyball Practice and Drills

His full name is Eduardo Jorge Bacil Filho, and is nicknamed Anjinho, which means “Little Angel” in Portuguese. He is a native of Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Anjinho was the first foreign player to win on the AVP. Anjinho and his partner at the time Jose Loyola stun the volleyball world with the win and ushered in a new powerhouse and style of volleyball, Bazillion Beach Volleyball.

Half-Kneeling Rotational Chop Exercise for Volleyball Training with Eric Ilgenfritz

This is an upper body chop PNF pattern that helps develop trunk and lower body stability, upper body strength and rotary mobility executed from a half kneeling stance. In volleyball rotational stability is critical for many of the volleyball skills like spiking yet too few athletes really put attention into this important element of volleyball training and the result is often volleyball injuries.

Single Leg KettleBell Deadlift for Volleyball Training with Eric Ilgenfritz

This exercise is designed to both assess right and left contribution of the hip hinge under an asymmetrical load and increase single leg contralateral deadlift strength. The exercise is unique in that it allows you to fully appreciate the beauty of learning how to stabilize on one leg, while training each side of your body without favoring or over-compensating.

Growth Mindset Impact on Orientation for Volleyball Coaching – OODA Loop (Article 10)

During the Orientation Stage of the OODA Loop you are processing what you Observe. Your mindset is thus critical to understanding and getting meaning from what you see. The Growth Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports, especially volleyball.

Thoracic Spine Rotation Mobilization with Diaphragm Breathing Volleyball Exercise with Eric Ilgenfritz

One of the fastest ways to fix nagging lower-back, shoulder or neck problems is to improve mid-back mobility with targeted thoracic spine exercises. The thoracic spine rotation mobilization with diaphragm breathing volleyball exercise is one of the best exercises older players can do to reduce back problems.

Why the OODA Loop Verbal Cues May Be a Better Way to Coach Volleyball – Andor Gyulai Coaching

In this video Andor Gyulai demonstrates why he feels the OODA Loop verbal cues are better for coaching volleyball particularly when teaching volleyball skills, reading the game and volleyball strategy. The video addresses a common problem many coaches have helping young players spike better.

Coaching Juniors – High Controlled Volleyball Spiking Technique for Bad Tight or Off Sets by Andor Gyulai

In this video Andor Gyulai Owner of teaches a young 13 year old player how to have more control hitting by using a high controlled volleyball spiking technique for tight or off sets. At the younger ages the sets are often more in consistent and plays often less in system. Therefore it is important for coaches to teach young players how to keep the ball in play and put pressure on the opposition when out of system.

Player Self Discovery of Spiking Problems Using the OODA Loop to Focus on Orientation with Andor Gyulai

In this powerful video the OODA Loop coaching cues are used to help the player discover most of her spiking problems have less to do with technique and more to do with “Reading” and Orientation of the set. The coaching of this is successfully done by Andor using guided discovery and great open probe questions where he is constantly checking in with the players emotionally so that they are not overwhelmed but rather take the feedback as a challenge and a opportunity to grow.

Game Time – Final Portion of Beach Volleyball Practice Plan with Pedro Brazao

This video features Pedro moving the last portion of the practice into a game with the 4 players and seeing the transfer (How much the players learned) from what was taught in the practice. This video offers great coaching insights and verbal cues. Also beach coaches will enjoy listening to Pedro coach the players from the sideline reviewing their play.

Functional Movement Explained and Andor Gyulai Screening Test Results with Eric Ilgenfritz

This video features Andor Gyulai and Eric Ilgenfritz discussing Andor’s test results from the functional movement screen. This video is extremely insightful and will offer incredible insights into the new science of volleyball training and injury prevention.

Mirror Movement Drill – How To Teach Young Players How To Shuffle When Passing with Andor Gyulai 5-7-15

In this Volleyball Tots private youth volleyball coaching lesson Andor Gyulai teaches two young players age 5 how to shuffle and move correctly when passing. The drill is call the mirror movement drill and it is a great drill to help young players not only learn to move in a shuffle position, but also the importance of reading where the ball is going and move based upon the ball. location. The movement mirror drill is fun and can be done between two young between the ages of 5-12 or a parent and their child.

VolleyballTots Youth Volleyball Passing Private Coaching Lesson with Andor Gyulai 5-7-15

In this VolleyballTots Youth Private Coaching Lessons Andor Gyulai the owner of teaches two young players age 5 the skill of passing. The video includes powerful verbal cues, plus other coaching lessons on working and coaching volleyballtots. This video was filmed at Andor kids school in Los Angele’s where he teach a volleyball class for youth players ages 5-12.

Chopping Exercises to Increase Core Stability and Avoid Injury When Playing Volleyball with Eric Ilgenfritz

Core exercises are critical to increasing performance and avoiding injuries when playing volleyball. Chopping exercises improve core rotation strength which is critical to more effectively transfer force between your upper and lower body, and ultimately spike harder, jump higher and move faster. Building core rotational strength in the critical core muscles stabilizes your spine, allowing you to be more balanced as you move on the court.

Functional Movement Screen Results As Performed on Volleyball Player Andor Gyulai by Eric Ilgenfritz

In this video Volleyball1on1 Owner Andor Gyulai is given his results from a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) performed by Eric Ilgenfritz. The Functional Movement Screen is a ranking and grading system that documents movement patterns that are key to normal function.

Response Complexity and Its Effects on Reaction Time When Playing Volleyball – OODA Loop (Article 9)

Volleyball players organize their movement patterns when performing a volleyball skill in advance. As the action or skill gets more complex so the reaction time increases as more time is required to organize the system for movement initiation. In this post we explore the idea and give examples.