This area includes all volleyball1on1 post, articles, videos and information. In this section you can find most of our content we have published.
As you get older the toughest part is how to recover faster. The science and nutrition behind recovery is light years ahead of what was happening just 15 years ago for me personally while attending UCLA. Here is a list of my personal tips for recovery:
Often getting started is one of the toughest things to any training program and it is the reason most people fail. It takes 21 days to make a habit so how do you get motivated to last 21 days? When I started to train again for volleyball I weighed 253 pounds doing anything in the gym was both physically and mentally challenging!
Billions of dollars have been spent since the 50’s on research related to the OODA Loop and military warfare. Many of those same, researched concepts can be applied volleyball. In this diagram we show you how many of our ideas on “Reading the Game” and “Volleyball Strategy” come together in one philosophy and diagram.
So as many of you know I still love playing beach volleyball competitively and I wanted to share an important tip that has really helped me as I turn 40 this year to compete against those young bucks. Hopefully it will help you do the same! As an older player I find attacking successfully is one of the most difficult things to do as you get older.
One important area that is not empathized enough on defense is the physical orientation of the set and players getting meaning from the set as it relates to defense both blocking and digging. To help overcome this challenge I have created a fun acronym, “I.T.S.S.” to help players understand this is the first thing they should look for when “reading the game” on defense.
High school volleyball season is brutal in that team matches start just weeks after the first practice. In this article I am going to quickly explore how we work with high school teams and coaches to learn 70-80% of what they need to know before the season begins.
In reviewing volleyball coaching as a whole “Reading the Game” is the biggest change in volleyball coaching in the last 5 years. In review “Reading the Game” is the skill I most often hear high school and club coaches struggle to teach and are most interested in learning. Yet the majority of experts are teaching “Reading the Game” wrong in my opinion! In this article I will review how the most successful fighter pilot in USA Airforce history may offer a better way and why!
This video features Alan Knipe reviewing important volleyball setting “Verbal cues” for setters and non-setters. Great coaches have the ability for players to understand and remember complex motor patterns with easy to understand verbal cues or keys. This video demonstrates why Alan is one of the best coaches in the United States.
Situations I would often do this in are for the elite high school and club players (College destined super star) on teams with mediocre talent that are rolling along in second or third gear through practice and still dominating. My goal with these players is multifold… READ MORE!
In my previous life to Volleyball1on1 Owner / Coach I used to be a business consultant with my wife. We would consult 20-30 business owners a month and would offer advice for business success. Perhaps one of the best pieces of business advice I have ever heard was from our business partners Jairek Robbins farther Tony Robbins. “If you want to be good at anything…
Exclusive Coaches Indoor Volleyball Clinic with Andor Gyulai (Owner – Fri, Sept 18, 7 pm – 9:30 pm
@Church of the Harvest 6800 N Bryant Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73118
$50.00 Per Coach
Exclusive Boys & Girls Beach Players Camp with Andor Gyulai (Owner
– Sunday, September 20, 8 am – 12:30 pm
@Stingray Beach Complex, 6205 N Santa Fe Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73118
$75.00 Per Player
This is a girls high school volleyball match evaluation with Andor Gyulai. This is a team Andor Gyulai coached during the summer and unfortunately we are not seeing allot of the things that we worked so hard on during the summer to get good. This video is a reminder of some of our teams guiding principals on the court as well as with regard to our coaching philosophy.
In this post I wanted to reference some important resources to help when using science to develop a team game play principals and a volleyball coaching philosophy. This article is less about sharing opinions and more about referencing other studies and articles in order to have a foundation from which to analyses your own philosophies.
This post contains a 2 part video evaluation of Ryan Doherty blocking verses the great Ricardo and Alison. I love Ryan and what he does for the sport however he is making some major, easy to correct blocking mistakes and it is time to fix them before the Olympics!
In this video Andor Gyulai reviews the verbal cues: Specificity. This is an important cues to use early and often with new volleyball players at it is an important foundation for coaching! This is also an important practice and drill design philosophy.
Perhaps my number #1 Core Principal as a Coach is to help my volleyball players become better learners! I like to say: “My #1 Goal is to make you better life long learners that strive for Kaizen”. Kaizen means constant never ending improvement. In this video I go through with my players how they can become better / faster learners of anything including volleyball.
An important volleyball coaching cue for learning is “Be Engaged”. This verbal cues can be used: when teaching players how to learn faster, participate in practice more, and finally how to make their high school team with a new and different coach.
In this video Andor Gyulai reviews the verbal cues: “Make Lots of Mistakes” and “Look Really Stupid”. These cues can be very helpful for forming a better foundation for learning. We encourage you to review this plus the process of “How people learn”, early during the season and we encourage this to be an important foundation of your teams core principals.
Hi Guys, I wanted to share a quick site for all your foam rollers, some mobility products and mini bands. They are running a sale till the end of the month 40% off! I will add a different site for the Gemini and some of the other products I like! This post is for all the coaches who have been asking me where to buy some of my toys? This is 1 of 2 sites I use allot! Note: their is an affiliate link so I will be paid a small fee for suggesting them. Thanks Andor Gyulai
This video was filmed at a recent “Travel to You High School Volleyball Camp”. The goal of the video is to share some advanced volleyball passing technique coaching tips and concepts. Left is right, right is wrong, mid-line is best. If the serve is from the right, right is right, left is wrong, mid-line is best. Shuffle your feet to get to the ball as much as possible, after this stop, lean and let the platform / angle do the work. Hold the passing position / platform for just a bit after you pass.
The Gauntlet Youth Volleyball Drill / Game is usually the last game / drill of the day and it usually goes for 15-25 minutes. Our goal is to create: Game like situation, That is competitive, Allows for lots of touches on the ball (Usually 2 on 2), Co-Ed, Encourages play with different people both as teammates and opponents, Rewards hard work but at this level still has an element of luck
This post and article was inspired by an article by Karch Kiraly on “The Importance of Functional Strength”. “I see a lot of younger players who lack the necessary strength to hold a low body position for even 5 or 10 seconds.” – Karch Kiraly – USA Women’s Head Coach. I developed this program over the last year or so working with my kid and youth players on something that is functional and fun.
These 3 videos are from a youth / volleytots private lesson with Andor Gyulai and two players in the 1st grade. In these 3 videos the two players are taught passing, setting and spiking.
This video is from a youth volleyball private lessons with two players in 1st and 3 rd grade, volleyballtots who are learning the game. In this video the players are being coached on setting.
These two video is part of our VolleyTots series. In these two video Andor Gyulai coaches a youth volleyball passing during a private lesson to two players in grades 1 and 3.
This video features the next progression of the practice with a scored game like drill using a 6 foot forward jump serve to start the rally. The result of the tougher serving is more spray passes thus working on some of the new setting techniques the players just worked on in the previous drills.
This video features the spray pass setting drill and coaching with Anjinho Bacil. A short low pass is a common error when passing the ball infront of your inside leg however at the height Anjinho recommends however practicing this drill results in an easy fix where the setter can improve the play and get the hitter back in system.
This video features the players doing warm up hitting lines with Anjinho Bacil during the beach practice. The players are getting more physically ready for the tougher more intensive drills that include more attacking. What I like about this video is it brings up the important point that the passer / hitter should always pass the ball infront of the setter in beach. On a tough serve / free ball / even warm ups the passer needs to work to get the ball in front of the setter to set up the offense.
In this videos Chris Harger focuses on timing and setting the block as it relates to coaching youth volleyball blocking technique. Points discussed include: timing, where to set the block based upon the attack, tips for blocking the attacker and more.
In this videos Chris Harger focuses on vision and “Reading the game” as it relates to coaching youth volleyball blocking technique. Points discussed include: Visual sequence, ball – setter – ball – hitter, reading the setter, examples; overrunning the ball, dropping their hands, arching the back, set against the flow, reading the hitter, plus more.
This video by Chris Harger offers powerful tips, coaching cues and advice for teaching youth volleyball blocking technique. This 10 minute video is on footwork specifically and offers some of the best advice on everything volleyball blocking including: – The need and how to get 3 players up on every block – Footwork so that…