This area includes all volleyball1on1 post, articles, videos and information. In this section you can find most of our content we have published.

Dan Fisher – Conversations from Office 1

This series of videos features a conversation from the office with Dan Fisher. Individual Videos are as follows: Info on Dan Fischer and Concordia, NAIA Volleyball and Coaching and Playing in the NAIA, Practice Reviewed – Warm Up: Dig Set Drill, Practice Reviewed – Warm Up: Reading Butterfly Drill and Practice Reviewed – Warm Up: Blocking with Cover.

Dan Fisher Conversations from Office, Practice Warm Up – Reading Butterfly Drill

This instructional volleyball video features a conversation from the office where Dan and Andor discuss the volleyball practice warm up – reading butterfly drill. This drill follows aspects of a traditional butterfly drill but adds reading the game components so as to help the players get far more out the drill than a traditional butterfly drill.

Dan Fisher Conversations from Office Practice Warm Up – Blocking with Cover

In this conversation from the office video Dan and Andor discuss the volleyball warm up drill – blocking with cover. This is another great on net volleyball drill that warm up your players while building skills in real game like situations. On top of that it helps your players read the game better and helps your team play better cover defense.

Dan Fisher Conversations from Office Practice Warm Up – Partner Rolls

In this video Andor and Dan discuss the Volleyball Practice Warm Up Drill – Partner Rolls. The goal of this drill is that they accelerate to the floor on defense. Click play on the volleyball video below to find out more information! Also we added the video where the players are doing the drills.

Dan Fisher Conversations from Office Practice Warm Up – 20 – 20 – 28 Drill

This volleyball coaching conversation from the office features one of the most popular volleyball drills ever filmed on This warm up drill has it all and it is no wonder that shortly after presenting it to our members a large number of them started using it in their practices!

Dan Fisher Conversations from Office Practice Reviewed – Correction Drill

We are now finished with our warm up drills and now are moving into Dan first full team drill that can also be used as a correction drill if needed. A correction drill is a drill that allows the coach to work on specific skills for specific players. All skills can be worked on with this drill except serve receive. In this video you will hear Dan talk about the correction drill and how they use it in practice!

Dan Fisher Conversations from Office Practice Reviewed – Tweener Ball Drill

In this conversation from the office Dan and Andor discuss the Tweener Ball Drill. A tweener ball as Dan defines it is a ball passed or dug 5 to 12 feet off the net. For dan and his coaching staff they feel one of the most important aspects of winning is having his team be able to run the offense in system off a tweener ball.

Dan Fisher – Conversations from Office 3

This series of coaching volleyball videos features Dan Fisher sharing his valuable thoughts on coaching. Given his record last year of 38-0, I highly encourage every coach to listen. Andor Gyulai, owner rates Dan Fisher as one of the top coaches in the country. Every coach that watches this will agree and understand why!

Conversations from Office Dan Fishers Secrets to Connecting with Players- Part 1

This is an extremely powerful video and a video every volleyball coach should watch! This video will motivate you as a coach and help you become better quickly. This video also focuses on often the most important aspect of coaching, and this is not drills, not running your practice, rather it is your ability to lead and how to lead your student athletes in a way that is positive and that will forever make them better people in life!

Conversations from Office Dan Fishers Secrets to Connecting with Players- Part 2

Part 2 on how Dan connects, inspires and motivates his student athletes inside and outside the gym. This is an incredible video and I encourage all coaches to watch both parts as I guarantee it will make you a better coach in all aspects.

Steve Anderson Beach Volleyball Spiking for Beginners

Steve presents a series on spiking which is what every beginner wants to learn. In these videos everything is broken down and builds confidence with easy to understand instruction and drills.

1. The arm swing on the beach is unique and slightly different from indoor. Proper technique prevents injury and forms a base to work on.

Steve Anderson Beach Volleyball Blocking for Beginners

Steve walks through a video series on blocking for beginners on the beach. Height is not always needed and confidence is easily gained with coaching cues and drills that are easy to understand.

1. A blockers mentality is taught in a drill without ball so the blocker understands how active blocking is on the court.

Steve Anderson Beach Volleyball Pulling for Beginners

Steve describes and demonstrates how to pull from the net when blocking. These videos show the easy and efficient way to properly pull off the net that has players build confidence quickly.

1. Staring position and balance with efficient footwork has players cover a large amount of ground when staying at the net.

Steve Anderson Beach Volleyball Defense for Beginners

Steve presents a full video series of playing defense on the beach for beginners. This series goes through the process for players and coaches to efficiently build skills and confidence quickly.

1. Defense starts with the player covering their half of the court and determining how many shots they can systematically cover.

SCVC Club Volleyball Practice Plan with Bill Ferguson

SCVC is one of the most successful volleyball clubs in the United States. Coached by Bill Ferguson and an elite staff of volleyball coaches SCVC has won more awards in the boys division than any other boys volleyball club. In addition to coaching SCVC Bill is the head coach of USC Men’s Volleyball where he has been awarded coach of the year honors twice.

USC Men’s Volleyball Practice Coached by Bill Ferguson, Jeff Nygaard, Cam Green

This post contains videos and breakdown for a full USC Men’s Volleyball Practice. The coaches include Bill Ferguson, Jeff Nygaard, and Cam Green. Additionally we filled exclusive content where we sat with Bill and discussed the volleyball practice, drills and his coaching style including details of the practice and what he was looking to get out of each drill.

Bill Ferguson SCVC Crunch Time Volleyball Drill

Crunch Time Volleyball Drill is both team and coach favorite. When there is a draw in the “Little Italy Drill” the players move to the crunch time drill. The players have to kill 3 balls in a row in order to move out of crunch time and then go into a game with regular score win by two starting at a particular score, often 22-22.

Bill Ferguson SCVC Little Italy Volleyball Drill

Little Italy Drill is a version of the Italy Drill except for Juniors. The drill Bill picked up from the Italian national team before the Olympics. The drill is a version of the “Italy Drill” except that it uses 3 balls verses 4 balls! Great drill for team play and transition. To see all of…

Bill Ferguson SCVC Over the Net Volleyball Pepper Drill

Over the Net Pepper has become a very popular drill for all levels! The drill teaches over the head and below the head ball control. It also is great for teaching players how to interact together on the court and what their roles and responsibilities are on the court! This video offers some great insights into running the drill for juniors as well as verbal queues for coaching kids.

Bill Ferguson SCVC Station Volleyball Arm Swing Drill

This incredible video and drill features Bill Ferguson working with a player one on one to improve their arm swing. It includes volleyball spiking technique from Bill, verbal queues, as well as step by step on how he teaches spiking! This video is a must for all club and high school coaches who teach youth and junior volleyball players.

Bill Ferguson SCVC Stations Setting, Passing and Arm Swing Drill

Station Drills are one of the most effective way to improve individual skills. The problem with stations is you need space or it is difficult to do. What is so impressive about this practice planning is how they are able to do all these stations and work on all these individual skills on just one volleyball court.

Bill Ferguson SCVC Goal of Tonight’s Volleyball Practice

In this video we discuss Bills goals for the practice: Get the players more touches, Getting used to playing big boy volleyball (Higher net!), Understanding 6 person volleyball, responsibilities and roles. Helping a new kid with his arm-swing.

Bill Ferguson SCVC Teaching Volleyball Defense Drill – Pancake

In the video Bill and the assistant coach work on technique for the two libero’s. What is interesting is the technique they teach is the same as what Jeff Nygaard was teaching the USC men’s middle in the morning. Some of the verbal ques include the “Staggered Step” meaning you have one foot in-front of the other so you can move forward quickly.