This area includes all volleyball1on1 post, articles, videos and information. In this section you can find most of our content we have published.

AVCEx – A Review Of Reid Priddy Answer On My Question To Vision for Spiking

So this past week Reid Priddy (USA Volleyball Indoor Olympian Standout) did a Vlog (Video Blog) on a questions I asked him about vision. The question: “Do you have a vision routine for hitting?” His answer is here: This video is interesting on a number of fronts but most interesting as it relates to an…

Coaching Instruction and Review Behind Coaching a Volleyball Jump Serve

This video breaks down what I am doing as I am coaching. Important coaching points: Guided discovery, Open probe questions – Who, What, What, When, How, O, So, Meaning, And, Tell Me, Motor learning patterns are stored In the brain Visually. Language of volleyball we speak Is our culture. Players learn with multiples senses.

Omaha Volleyball Serving Drill Post Jump Serve Instruction (2 Videos)

This video features the Omaha Volleyball Serving Drill. I developed this drill as a way to teach players how to serve tough under pressure and build some team comradery in the process. Comradery is the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat…

Coaching the Jump Serve In Volleyball – Verbal Cues and Review of the Instruction

Part 1: Coaching The Jump Serve In Volleyball In this video I teach players how to jump serve a volleyball. This video includes great volleyball coaching ques / keys that coaches can use in their own practice. Also here is the link to Dr. Gil Fellingham Presentation: Using Science to Develop a Team Game Plan…

Beach Volleyball Blocking Example on the Step Close Blocking Technique with Andor Gyulai Example 1

The goal of this video example is to show you an example of the Step-Close Beach Volleyball Blocking Technique in action as well as answer questions that are coming up regarding the technique. The examples in this video are for situations with a less than ideal situation to step close, yet the block still works!…

Bad Blocking Technique and How To Improve It With The Step Close For Ryan Avatar Doherty

In this video series I review what I think is some bad blocking technique by Ryan “Avatar” Doherty. I love Ryan as a person and all that he does for the sport of beach volleyball. I highly encourage you to pick up his book (Avatar’s Guide to Beach Volleyball: Everything you need to know about…

Step Close Beach Volleyball Blocking Technique by Andor Gyulai

This article and accompanying videos will introduce a new method of blocking in beach volleyball. With enough momentum, it could revolutionize blocking in beach volleyball. I am calling this new blocking technique the “Step Close Beach Volleyball Blocking Technique.” My goal with this post is to change the method blockers use when playing beach volleyball.…

Volleyball Supplements – Cheat!

The science of supplements and nutrition is light years ahead of when I first started taking supplements in 95 – 96 entering UCLA looking to win a National Championship. Since then over 20 years ago, the advancements in legal supplements have been so incredible it honestly feels like cheating if I compare to back then!

How To Overhand Serve Over The Net And Spike Harder – Youth Volleyball Training Tool

This new volleyball training tool will help young players by helping them learn “How to Overhand Serve” over the net and spike with more power. In this video I demonstrate with my 9 year old son Thor (Filmed 03/17) how the Passback football can help you learn to serve and spike with more power. Thor…

Generate More Power When SERVING AND SPIKING Using Your Hips

ARE YOU LOOKING TO GENERATE MORE POWER FROM YOUR HIPS, CORE AND SHOULDER WHEN SERVING AND SPIKING? The Passback Football – Create a simple, repeatable & powerful Volleyball Armswing for Serving or Spiking. For Younger Players this tool will help you or your players serve overhand over the net! The Passback is a great training…

Beach Volleyball Setting Tips for Indoor Players

I was playing this weekend when my partner posted this video. I thought it displayed several excellent lessons for indoor volleyball setting that I feel the majority of coaches often miss, either because they do not play beach or simply haven’t been exposed to enough beach volleyball. Now, given that setting has been statistically determined…

Developing Self Confidence in Young Volleyball Players

Before you can change any skill on the court – passing, setting, hitting, anything – you must first change one aspect off of it: Your belief in yourself. A lack of self-confidence – often inaccurate and subjective – is far too common in young players, and it results in poor performances, which leads to a…

A Tale of Two Volleyball Players

A tale of two volleyball players, what defines a good player vs. a great player and how you can help your players become great? The sport of volleyball has undergone a wide variety of changes over the better part of the last decade: the scoring has changed, rules involving the net have changed, even the…

Flo Hyman – Volleyball Hall of Fame Players Secret to Winning

Flo Hyman used to be self-conscious about her height. Standing 6 feet tall before she was even a teenager, Hyman did everything in her power to shrink. And yet, more than half a century later, her name still towers in the world of volleyball. A three-time All-American and 1984 silver medalist, Hyman was named by…

High School Volleyball Coaching Tips from Pennsylvania High School Volleyball – 3 Video – 9 13 16

This post features 3 high school volleyball videos . The coach is Andor Gyulai, Owner of   This is a service Volleyball1on1 provide to high school coaches to help support them during the course of their season as part of our Volleyball High School Summer Camps.   For more information about our high school…

400 Volleyball Passing Reps – Volleyball Coaching Advice from Shawn Patchell

This past week I got the opportunity to sit down and have breakfast with Shawn Patchell, Head Men’s Coach at Concordia University and one of my favorite coaches here in the United States. Shawn is an incredible coach having helped coached Pro teams in Europe, Top D1 Colleges Men’s and even the USA National Boys…

Volleyball1on1 High School Volleyball Coaching Tips and Advice 9 6 16 Video 2

This video (Video 2) features volleyball high school coaching tips and advice with Andor Gyulai the owner of Click here to see Video 1. This video speaks of the philosophies and culture Volleyball1on1 teaches at our summer camps for high schools and clubs. This video shows that there is an formula for winning high…

Volleyball1on1 High School Volleyball Coaching Tips and Advice 9 6 16 Video 1

This video features volleyball high school coaching tips and advice with Andor Gyulai the owner of This video speaks of the philosophies and culture Volleyball1on1 teaches at our summer camps for high schools and clubs. This video shows that there is an formula for winning high school volleyball matches! Players should understand this formula…

Coaching Youth High School Volleyball Blocking Technique with Tips from Kerri Walsh Jennings

In this video we review youth high school volleyball blocking and coaching mistakes. The video also brings in good lessons from Kerri Walsh Jennings on blocking and can be used as a tool for coaches to help young players learn to love the game and watch more beach volleyball.

Volleyball1on1 High School Volleyball Coaching Tips 9 2 16 – Faith – Video 1

This video feature a video youth high school volleyball coaching review we did for one of our Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp coaches. As part of our Volleyball1on1 Summer Camps we offer FREE video reviews to help support our coaches. We have made extensive notes on this post including responses from the coach with counter responses from Andor Gyulai.

Volleyball Serving Lessons from the “Lion” Aleksandrs Samoilovs Part of #1 Men’s Beach Team in the World

This week I was at the Long Beach FIVB World Championships and I had a chance to talk with “The Lion” Aleksandrs Samoilovs from Latvia who is part of the #1 Ranked beach men’s team in the world.  During our conversation I got to ask him a few things including why he has in my…

Elite Level – Full Youth / High School Level / Club Volleyball Practice Plan with Chris Austin (33 Videos)

This post contains an elite level full youth club volleyball practice plan with Chris Austin, 2 Time NCAA Champion at UCI and coach to undersized boys team ranked as one of the top 10 teams in the country. This post contains links to all 33 videos with Chris Austin from full youth club volleyball practice.

2014, USC Men’s Volleyball Practice, Post Practice Lifting, Q and A, with Bill Ferguson, Jeff Nygaard, Cam Green

This post contains a full USC Men’s volleyball practice, start to finish, plus post practice lifting / workout session, plus full video review with questions and answers regarding every drill, practice coaching philosophy and more. The coaches include USC volleyball coaching staff; Bill Ferguson, Jeff Nygaard, and Cam Green.

Wes Schneider – The Standard Volleyball Drill

This post contains 2 videos from Wes Schneider’s Standard Drill. How is a 6 on 6 drill where the goal is to have the offense side out at 70% while the defense scores at 50%. If for some reason the offense scores higher than 70% this becomes the standard that the other team needs to now side out at and obviously how you drill gets its name.

Volleyball Coaching Advice on Coaching Men vs. Women and How to Connect with Players

In this video Trevor Johnson offers volleyball coaching advice on coaching men vs. women and how to connect with players. Trevor has a great deal of experience in this area having coached the Men’s NAIA National Champions in 2013 and while coaching the women’s team that took a 3rd in the NAIA.

Your Road-Map to Your Best Volleyball Year Ever!

So I turn 40 in a few months and I can honestly say I am in the best shape I have been in 10 years and playing some of my best beach volleyball ever. This is no accident but rather the result of hard work, research and finding experts in the fields of volleyball training, nutrition and injury prevention. Today I am going to share how you can do this yourself or help your player accomplish their own similar goals!

The Science of Volleyball Training

The science of training has changed dramatically! Personal training and sports is big business and as a result the knowledge of what works is extraordinary! Also there is now real science behind what were previous theories on training with the result that the training systems are more proven and tested! In this article I will share what I believe is one of the best systems an why?