Mike Diehl Volleyball Transition Bump Set
Mike demonstrates how to bump set by getting around behind the ball and bumping it to the target.
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Mike demonstrates how to bump set by getting around behind the ball and bumping it to the target.
Mike presents a video instructional series on spiking from the right side or opposite position. In this advanced series of 6 instructional videos tips and technique include proper approach footwork to selecting shots to beat the blockers. This is another must see by Mike Diehl!
Mike presents a video instructional series on spiking from the left side or outside hitter position. In this advanced series are tips of a proper approach to selecting shots to beat the blockers. This 6 video series is a must for all outside hitters and coaches!
1. On the approach hitters need to keep their weight behind the ball. This maximizes momentum for more power and better selection of hits.
Mike covers blocking in this 6 video series. Broken down are key points to the swing block, blocking the outsides in position two and position four, how to play in transition and finally what a blockers mentality must be. This video series is a must for all indoor players and coaches.
Mike presents a video series on hitting or spiking from the back row. In this series instructions are demonstrated on shots to hit from all areas in the back including the bic. Learn spiking shots you never imagined.
Stein talks about using the pokey and how one of them has his name, “The Steino”.
Pulling or dropping off the net from blocking responsibilities is an important strategy that is implemented on an opponents off set. In this video series you will learn instruction on how to do this successfully plus a simple drill to practice the skill.
“Stepping in Pairs” is a volleyball ques Stein uses to describe moving your feet so that you end up with a wide base and are not “Water Skiing” the opposite verbal which is having a narrow base. This video series contains a great demonstration of the concept as well as some simple drills.
Digging a low ball from a short serve or a ball that goes into the net is extremely common yet very difficult skill to make a “Better Play” on the ball. Learn Stein Metzger Secret called “Drop the Furniture” to change this and make it easy.
Being in system means that you are running your offense according to your plan, in this video and drill series you will learn how to do this effectively by understanding spacing and circle of trust.
Moving to attack is one of the most important and under practiced skills in beach volleyball. Stein calls it “Moving without the ball” and in this instructional and drill series you will learn this important skill so that you can spike better.
In these two videos Stein shares and important secret or tip followed by a quick drill to help players improve their volleyball setting particularly their bump setting.
In this series of videos Stein Metzger Shares his Olympic as well as AVP and FIVB winning beach volleyball warm up.
Proper volleyball setting can be the make or break factor for just about any volleyball team at any level. Often times the development of this absolutely essential but deceptively tricky volleyball skill is neglected…but it shouldn’t be. Learn from 3 Time NCAA Champ Stein Metzger.
Stein presents part 23 of 27 for setters. Discussed are strategies and instruction for the jump float serve as a setter.
Stein presents part 22 of 27 for setters. Discussed are strategies and instruction for jump serving as a setter.
Stein presents part 21 of 27 for setters. Discussed are strategies used to be an effective server as a setter.
Stein presents part 27 of 27 for setters. Discussed is when to do a one handed set when playing indoor volleyball.
Stein presents part 26 of 27 for setters. Discussed is how to run a back set from an off play.
Stein presents part 25 of 27 for setters. Shown is a drill for setting the off play.
Stein presents part 24 of 27 for setters. Shown is a drill to be able to set forward or back at the last second.
Stein presents part 20 of 27 for setters. Shown is correct blocking hand position for setters.
Stein presents part 19 of 27 for setters. Shown is correct blocking footwork for setters.
Stein presents part 16 of 27 for setters. Discussed is who takes the set after making the dig.
Stein presents part 18 of 27 for setters. Discussed is playing volleyball defense as a setter.
Stein presents several ways to work the ref for a favorable call. This is another great video that offers great insights and humor all together.
Stein covers how to play in the wind and make adjustments. This is a great video that offers some good advice for all beach volleyball players.
Stein presents part 15 of 27 for setters. Discussed is a bonus of how to dump without touching the ball. This is a fun advanced technique. Dumping Part 2.
Stein talks about the best and worst ways to dump your partner. This is a really funny video that if you know the Olympic History behind it will make you cringe and laugh all at once.
Stein gives advice on how to choose a partner that matches up to a players strengths and weaknesses.
Stein presents part 14 of 27 for setters. Discussed and shown is how to do an attack or dump as a setter for a quick point. Part 1.
Stein presents part 13 of 27 for setters. Discussed is how to be an effective leader and taking charge as the general on the court.