Mike Diehl Volleyball Passing Overhand
Mike demonstrates how to receive a ball overhand. Keep the hands close together along with other important overhand passing tips.
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Mike demonstrates how to receive a ball overhand. Keep the hands close together along with other important overhand passing tips.
Mike talks about how to read queues from the setter and hitter when blocking. This includes: watch the setter’s body position, the hitter’s shoulder and more.
Mike discusses the first responsibility of the outside hitter blocker. Also how to assist the middle blocker.
Mike demonstrates further the first, second and third hits the outside blocker is responsible for.
Mike presents how much to commit to the back one attack and still be able to block the outside ball.
Mike talks about the value of two steps to an outside block versus the cross over steps for a swing block. This is an interesting video and offers alternative perspective to just swing blocking.
Mike presents how to execute the cross over step to move from the middle to the outside block position.
Mike presents how to use cheat steps to help out with volleyball defense, while still being available to block.
Mike talks about and demonstrates what to do with the hands and upper body when blocking.
Mike presents a video on the first responsibilities of an outside blocker in position two plus other important volleyball blocking tips.
Mike demonstrates the correct footwork to use including the step, double step, cross over and more for blocking. This is a great technical on the different types of volleyball blocking footwork.
Mike talks about what to do with the hands and upper body when reading the hitter and blocking in position 2.
Mike shows three different medicine ball drills to increase a players vertical jump when playing volleyball.
Mike talks about three different drills using a medicine ball to increase hitting power.
Mike shows how to jump serve from a different angle and mentions how execution, not style, scores points.
Mike demonstrates the jump serve by making the serve compact with the correct approach and other important tips.
Mike talks about the approach and how to experiment hitting the jump float serve.
Mike demonstrates how to do a float serve with a simple motion, an open hand and more.
Mike talks about how active a player in position four must be on defense, plus other important volleyball defensive concepts and tips.
Mike breaks down what the defender in position six must look for, hand position and other tips.
Mike goes into greater detail on position and movement of the hips, knees and other parts of the body when defending position six.
Mike talks about how to increase speed when moving off the net from position two defense and more.
Mike demonstrates where a defender in position one starts, responsibilities, footwork and more details.
Mike talks about the defenders mentality, volleyball team defense and more.
Mike demonstrates and explains different methods of jogging during your volleyball warm up. This seems simple but you will notice the detail Mike pays to this and it will help you understand why he has had so much success and such a long and incredible playing career.
Mike talks about and explains several dynamic volleyball stretches including sprinters stretch and side lateral movements. This is great volleyball warm up that will help prevent injury and prolong players careers.
Mike presents a video on warming up for blocking. Tap blocks, swing blocks and more are shown for volleyball warm ups.
Mike talks about and demonstrates how to warm up properly with a partner. Always use it do develop good habits such as hitting through the ball and visualizing the opponent.
Mike demonstrates how to pepper properly by starting easy then gradually add more pace to the ball.
Mike walks through how to warm up hitting by starting from the back row with easy long shots. Visualizing the blocker is up.
Mike recaps all his volleyball warm up drills and how they extend a players career.
Mike demonstrates how to hand set in transition by getting around the ball and push it to the target.