This area includes all volleyball1on1 post, articles, videos and information. In this section you can find most of our content we have published.

Volleyball Single Leg Step Ups Exercise Drill – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear

The next drill is the single leg step up drill where the players step up onto a 6, 12 or 18 inch box. Not 18 inch box might be for elite Olympic level athletes so most user should look at the 6 or 12 inch box. This exercise builds leg muscle explosion which can be used for pretty much everything in volleyball including jumping and defense.

Sumo Squat Touchdown and Series of Runs with No False Step – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

This video contains the sumo squat touchdown exercise as well as drills to help work on no false steps with your movement. The sumo squat touchdown is a great exercise and works on hip mobility and hamstring flexibility.

Shoulder Posterior Activation Using TRX – Y T W Exercises – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear

This video contains exercises for shoulder posterior activation. The equipment used for this is TRX Trainer and the specific exercises are the Y T W exercises. The exercises are given these names as this is the shape you make with your arms as you do them and it makes it easy to remember.

Glut Med Activation Exercises – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear (2 Videos)

This video contains part of the warm up. This includes glut med activation exercises used to warm up critical areas of the body as well as increase the heart rate. This exercise can also be used to help identify weaknesses, imbalances and potential future injuries. Experienced instructors can use this exercise to also identify and modify the workout as needed.

Velocity Workout 1 – Meet the Instructor Jason Moreno

In this video you will meet the instructor Jason Morneo. Jason is a 15 year sports performance coach who works with professional athletes, Olympian’s, college players and young athletes looking to play volleyball seriously. He personally coaches professional beach volleyball players on the AVP tour like Ed Ratledge.

Introduction to Velocity Sports Performance and the Facility

In this video Andor Gyulai (Owner shares some quick info about Velocity Sports Performance, their staff and the training facility. It is important to see this video before watching the other videos in the series so you have a little bit more info about the company.

All of Bill Ferguson Volleyball Videos, Drills and Articles

I am excited to add our newest volleyball coach this month (1/18/13) USC Men’s Head Volleyball Coach – Bill Ferguson. I have been friends with Bill for a number of years now, back to when I ran my own club of 8 teams and his volleyball coaching accomplishments are nothing short of incredible!

For information of USC Volleyball – Click Here

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – Pete Carroll Influence on Bill As a Coach

In this video Bill shares coaching advice and tips he picked up from Super Bowl, National Champion, and former USC Football coach Pete Carroll. This video also reveals some of Bill’s roots in coaching and how he looks outside of the sport of volleyball to innovate and improve his coaching ability.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – How Have You Grown as a Coach

The sign of any great person is their ability to change and grow as the circumstances need. To reflect on what happens and make improvements in the future. In this video Bill Ferguson talks about some of the challenges he has experienced as a coach and improvements he has made in himself, with his staff and in his program to try and overcome these challenges.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – How Do You Connect With Players

In this video Andor and Bill talk about how Bill connects and motivates his players. USC Volleyball is a program that really cares about its players development both on and off the court. This video plus other videos previously filmed really makes this apparent. This video also offers great insights for coaches to use themselves when coaching and building relationships with their players.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – USC Coaching Staff

In this video Bill and Andor discuss the USC Coaching staff and their responsibilities. This is a good video for all coaches to see and also learn how each coaches skills and personality is used successfully to enhance the program and its results.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – Starting the Play or Rally

This video is a result of a question Andor asked from Bill Ferguson on his opinion on of what are the best ways to start the play or rally more effectively in practice. A Problem many coaches have is they are not making their practice as game like as possible and putting balls into play that are not balls the players will see in matches.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – Amount of Float Serving

In this video Andor and Bill discuss how the teams serving strategy has changed with its players and how this affects practice and team goals. This is an insightful video and shows how good coaches adjust to their personal, strengths and weaknesses.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – 6 on 6 Break Point Drill

The final drill for practice was the 6 on 6 Break Point Drill. This drill is not an easy drill to understand the scoring and it is an even more difficult drill to win on the offense. This drill really calibrates the offense and really show the value of tough serving and scoring on defense.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – Pat Powers Battle Star 3 Man Block Transition Drill

In this video we discuss Pat Powers famous Battle Star Drill as well as who in Bills staff is Han Solo. But seriously this is a simple yet extremely effective drill to help your blockers plus teach your hitters to swing out of tough situations. Also this is a great transition drill because of the nature of the drill often a transition play follows.

Bill Ferguson – Conversation From Office – Breakout Sessions

This video describes in details some of the breakout sessions used by Bill and his coaching staff to build individual skills in players. This video offers an insight to practice design and Bill volleyball coaching philosophy.

Bill Ferguson – USC Volleyball Post Practice Lifting Session (7 Videos)

This video features the post practice USC Men’s Volleyball lifting session with Strength and Conditioning Coach Brent Mentz. This video series is extremely powerful and revealing and you will get to see everything from what type of exercises the players do to their reps and how the coach changes lifts based upon athlete age and body type.

Bill Ferguson – End of Practice Review Video

This video features Bill Ferguson and Andor Gyulai reviewing practice, the drills and what was accomplished. The theme of the practice was tell the truth Monday and this definitely came across in how the practice was designed and the goals for the practice.

Bill Ferguson – End of Practice Team Meeting

This video contains the end of practice team meeting. This video is another great video that shows the quality of the USC Men’s Volleyball Coaching Staff as well as shows what a great place USC is to play men’s volleyball in college. Click Here to see more volleyball practice plans.

Bill Ferguson – Volleyball 6 on 6 Breakpoint Drill

Volleyball 6 on 6 Breakpoint drill is a drill that works on all skills and is used to help calibrate the offense and teach a rhythm to your offense. The drill makes it extremely difficult for the sideout team to win because they have to get so many balls in a row over the net without making a mistake. On the other hand the defense just needs to convert a few mistakes or stop the offense in order to score and win the drill.

Pat Powers – Battle Star – 3 Man Block Volleyball Transition Drill

Battle Star – 3 Man Block Volleyball Transition Drill is a drill named and started by Olympian and former USC Coach Pat Powers. The drill basically is initiated with a high bounce ball by the coach in the back row which then sets up a set which likely has a 3 man block. The rally is then played out to work on transition offense and defense.