This section contains a great series of drills to help improve your teams volleyball passing and serve receiving. This includes passing off serve receive and in transition. This will also help with team offense as most offense begins with a good pass or dig.

2 Drills – Serving and Passing Drill and Teaching Middles Movement Patterns Drill – Day 2 – Uni High (3 Videos)

This series of 3 videos follows 2 drills Andor sets up for the players. The drills divide the outsides and liberos on one court to work on serving and passing while on the other court Andor takes the middles and setters to work of movement patterns. This video series is really basic in nature and is designed for players very new to the game. In this case Uni High has several players that have just started playing volleyball, meaning they have played for a year or two, yet they are extremely athletic. This drill works to teach how to be an effective middle player.

Modified On the Net Pepper Volleyball Drill with 3 Players – Multi Skill – Day 2 – Uni High (2 Videos)

Modified on the net pepper volleyball drill with 3 players is a great multi – skill to follow up 90 passes drill. The drill builds on the work players did to imprint good form in the 90 passes drill and now takes that to a more game like situation on the net. The result is players now work on their passing more like what they will see off a serve receive or a free ball.

90 Passes Skill Building Warm Up Drill – Day 2 – Uni High – Volleyball Coaching Nightmares (2 Videos)

The 90 Passes skill building warm up drill is a great drill to teach players concentration, while warming them up focusing on the important skill of passing. What the drill is able to accomplish is a high number of reps (90 For each player) in a really short period of time with very specific focuses, while passing from different points on the volleyball court and onto the net.

Bill Ferguson – Breakout Sessions – Passing Rapid Fire Spin and Float Serve – Goal Eliminate Lean, More Stepping

This is another “Breakout Session” specifically for skills building namely passing off float and spin serves. Flaws were detected during the earlier video session that need to be fixed and one was the players are leaning on the jump serve and not stepping. You will notice the balls come very quickly from the coach on purpose and the reason is so that the player only focuses on the task at hand and fixing it and is less concerned about a perfect pass.

Bill Ferguson – Passing Tutor for Float Serves

This is another “Tutor Drill” specifically for skills the coaches thought need work from “Tell the Truth Monday” video session. This drill is working on passing the float serve and rather than passing the serve overhand, using a platform to pass the ball. What the coaching staff observed is the offense tends to have better rhythm when this is done verses overhand passing.

Bill Ferguson – Passing Tutor for Spin Serves

The practice theme of the day is “Tell the Truth Monday”, what this means is the team reviews videos and looks for individual and team weaknesses that they can work on. The coaches then often add specific skill building drills called “Tutor Drills” to improve on those skills that need work. This video contains a tutor drill the coaches are running to fix and improve passing off spin serves.

Wes Schneider – Servers vs. Passers Volleyball Drill – Round 2

This is round 2 of the servers verses passers drill. This drill obviously works on serving and passing for the team. Add on to traditional serving and passing include the coach on the box entering in a second ball after the serve. This is done to increase the number of reps for the players plus have a controlled situation where coaches can work on specific things for the passers.

Shawn Patchell – Volleyball Serving and Passing Drill with Tivo (6 Videos)

Serving and passing drills are common in all coaches practices however what I really like about the way Shawn Patchell and his coaching staff run this drill is how the coaches use technology and strategic coach placement to maximize individual attention / feedback and player improvement. See all 6 videos of this drill here!

Brian Gimmillaro Learn to Play Volleyball – Passing

Having taught 3 out of the 10 best female volleyball players in the history of the sport Brian Gimmillaro know a thing or two about passing. In this 45 minute video Brian will teach the most important aspects to learning passing. These are the same things he taught greats like Mist May-Treanor and Tara Cross-Battle.

Dan Fisher Warm Up Volleyball Drills – Half Court 20 20 20

This content was filmed with a High School team in Los Angeles. Our goal with this series of videos was to have Dan Fisher show us his on the net, game like warm up volleyball drills that he uses to improve skill with limited gym time! The key is that rather than doing traditional pepper

Dan Fisher Volleyball Warm Up Drill – 20 Pressure Passes Drill

This video contains a volleyball warm up drill utilized by Dan Fisher called the 20 Pressure Passes Volleyball Drill. Dan stresses warming up in non traditional ways meaning warming up the players while working on skills on the net. This warm up drill works on passing and passing under pressure! As the number of perfect passes increases so does the intensity of the serve and the pressure to make a good pass.

Dan Fisher High Ball Out Side Hitting Work Drill & Passing Ladders Drill

These videos contain the high ball outside hitting drill. This is done to have middles expand their skills to outside hitting. Dan Fisher’s starting outside hitter and star got injured a few weeks before playoffs. As a result they were forced to move middles outside to fill the gap. Also the some of the other players are doing passing ladders.

Dan Fisher Conversations from Office, Practice Warm Up – Reading Butterfly Drill

This instructional volleyball video features a conversation from the office where Dan and Andor discuss the volleyball practice warm up – reading butterfly drill. This drill follows aspects of a traditional butterfly drill but adds reading the game components so as to help the players get far more out the drill than a traditional butterfly drill.

Bill Ferguson – Conversations from the Office, Breakout Sessions, Ball Control

This video continues with the breakout session from early practice for the USC men’s volleyball team. This video focuses on what the assistant coaches were doing while Bill was focused on the setters. Jeff Nygaard and Cam Green, Bill two assistant coaches are focusing on different skills in the game, particularly ball control.

Bill Ferguson Team Breakout Sessions – Volleyball Serve Receive Drill

Bill Ferguson and USC Practice Team Breakout Sessions – Serve Receive Volleyball Drill. Bill added this drill into practice as the players were having problems standing up while moving backwards on serve receive. What this volleyball drill does is reinforce staying down, while focusing on creating an angle with your platform.

Bill Ferguson USC Individual Breakout Sessions – King, Armswing, Passing

Bill Ferguson and USC Volleyball Practice – Individual Breakout Sessions and Volleyball Drills with Jeff Nygaard and Cam Green. Individual Videos are as follows: King Court & Individual Breakout Sessions with Outside Hitter Arm Swing, Outside Hitter Serve Receive, Team Arm Swing.

Volleyball Serving and Passing Drill and Technique by Brian Gimmillaro

In this volleyball serving and passing drill Brian shares in depth coaching technique with Andor while the players are working on serve receive and passing. Again this instructional volleyball video offers great insights and knowledge on correct form and technique for passing. This includes footwork, platform and body position when passing.

Volleyball Team Serving and Passing Drill by Brian Gimmillaro

Volleyball Team Serving and Passing Drill by Brian Gimmillaro. In this drill you see more on the progression of the practice and now the team focusing on serving and passing. Again this video offers great insights for coaches on Brian’s coaching style and volleyball philosophy.

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Tom Black LMU 50 Passing Drill with Instructional Videos and the Jump Float Serve

This series of videos is on the LMU 50 passing and serving drill. The goal for the passers is to get 50 passes rated a 3 or 4. In this series of videos you will also see the teams and coaching staffs focus on the jump float serve and its effectiveness as a serve in volleyball. Also how the coaching staff uses the radar gun.

USA Volleyball Serving and Libero Passing Drill

In the next volleyball videos you will see the USA team doing some warm up serves with the libero passing. This is essetially the guys serving but it is interesting watching these players form and technique. Also the shear force behind their volleyball serves.

USA Men’s Volleyball Warm Up Passing Drills

This series of videos features the USA Men’s team doing a series of volleyball warm up passing drills. Its pretty basic but worth noting how the players do this particularly the outsides and liberos in order to get some passing rhythm before practice.