Volleyball ball control drills, as stated these drills will improve individual and team ball control.
The 6 on 6 Exchange Volleyball Drill on the net is one of the best drills to focus on team ball control and individual controlled hitting. This drill also works on the important and often ignored volleyball skill of moving without the ball. Now considering the fact that the majority of the time players are moving without the ball it is always surprising how little coaches practice this critical skill.
Modified on the net pepper volleyball drill with 3 players is a great multi – skill to follow up 90 passes drill. The drill builds on the work players did to imprint good form in the 90 passes drill and now takes that to a more game like situation on the net. The result is players now work on their passing more like what they will see off a serve receive or a free ball.
The 90 Passes skill building warm up drill is a great drill to teach players concentration, while warming them up focusing on the important skill of passing. What the drill is able to accomplish is a high number of reps (90 For each player) in a really short period of time with very specific focuses, while passing from different points on the volleyball court and onto the net.
This drill features 5 different skills / mini drills that they do 5 times each between 2 players. The drill, call 5 by 5 ball control and armswing warm up again shows how Chris controls every aspect of practice so as to maximize every ball touch and help his players develop ball control and good habits while doing it. It is remarkable watching this when you compare how 99% of coaches organize their practice by comparison.
This video features the controlled volleyball setting warm up drill with Chris Austin. This video is revealing as it shows how Chris control many aspects of the practice to help the players maintain good form and technique. In this drill the number of contacts is limited during the drill in order to keep the players in system and thus more controlled while executing the skills needed to perform the drill.
This is another “Breakout Session” specifically for skills building namely passing off float and spin serves. Flaws were detected during the earlier video session that need to be fixed and one was the players are leaning on the jump serve and not stepping. You will notice the balls come very quickly from the coach on purpose and the reason is so that the player only focuses on the task at hand and fixing it and is less concerned about a perfect pass.
In this breakout sessions you will see a great drill that works on middle defense and transition setting. As you can see from this drill allot of attention is paid to developing all players ball control including middles and this falls into Bill Ferguson’ philosophy on coaching volleyball and making sure his team (meaning all players – including middles) develop good ball control. This post features the coaches running the drill from both sides.
This is another “Tutor Drill” specifically for skills the coaches thought need work from “Tell the Truth Monday” video session. This drill is working on passing the float serve and rather than passing the serve overhand, using a platform to pass the ball. What the coaching staff observed is the offense tends to have better rhythm when this is done verses overhand passing.
The practice theme of the day is “Tell the Truth Monday”, what this means is the team reviews videos and looks for individual and team weaknesses that they can work on. The coaches then often add specific skill building drills called “Tutor Drills” to improve on those skills that need work. This video contains a tutor drill the coaches are running to fix and improve passing off spin serves.
This video features the conversation from the office regarding the volleyball exchange drill. The point of this drill is to warm up the players while still building skills and working on movement in transition. With the increased speed of the game transition movement has become more and more important.
In this video Wes and Andor talk about the volleyball tennis drill. This is a drill Wes likes to run at the start of practice to warm his players up. The drill also works on several skills including ball control, passing, movement, and reading. Also Wes like the drill because it sets a good tone for practice and gets his players competing early.
Wes Schneider Exchange Volleyball Drill is a great drill to help your team with all areas of the game while still warming up the players successfully. Some the the things we see players get out of the drill in particular include learning over head ball control meaning a control swing.
This volleyball movement drill helps with both passing and defensive movement. The drill teaches players to move in all directions without taking a negative step. This drill is great for players of all levels!
Serving and passing drills are common in all coaches practices however what I really like about the way Shawn Patchell and his coaching staff run this drill is how the coaches use technology and strategic coach placement to maximize individual attention / feedback and player improvement. See all 6 videos of this drill here!
In this drill you will hear important tips and verbal cues from Shawn Patchell for Over the Net Pepper Drill. This post also includes links to other teams including USA Men’s team running this drill.
This great drill works on all skills including passing, setting and tipping. Why we like the drill is that players work on skills while warming up thus making more productive use of practice time.
Working on all skills, this volleyball drill improves passing, setting and spiking. Again like the previous drill this warm up is game like and over the net as it builds skills. With limited gym time many coaches are having success using drills like this to start practice!
To see 12 similar drills by NAIA champion coach and Volleybal1lon1 instructor Dan Fisher click here.
Go here for a list of all warm ups in our library.
This content was filmed with a High School team in Los Angeles. Our goal with this series of videos was to have Dan Fisher show us his on the net, game like warm up volleyball drills that he uses to improve skill with limited gym time! The key is that rather than doing traditional pepper
This volleyball warm up drill is over head pepper volleyball drill. This drill will work on a lot of overhead digging reps as well as focus the hitters on getting their feet to the ball.
The next volleyball drill is the warm up setters pepper drill. This drill will improve setting, overhead digging and control while spiking.
The pass to hit butterfly volleyball drill works on the skills that every coach wants most, passing and hitting! In this drill the players pass the ball and then go outside for the hit. Super simple drill that Dan uses for warm up during practice. You will notice some changes in the tempo of the hits based upon how warm the players are.
This series of videos contain one of Dan Fishers favorite volleyball warm up drills the Dig Set Volleyball Drill. This drill is utilized early in practice to help the team warmup as well as work on the net ball control and reading the hitters shoulder on defense. One thing Dan stresses is warming up in non traditional ways.
This is another volleyball warm up drill which focuses on improving skills while on the net in a game like situation. 2 Person, 2 Touch Volles Volleyball Drill really gets the players moving and gets their bodies warm by forcing a lot of contact on the ball.
This page contains an easy to use libero passing drill Dan uses during warm up while the rest of the team focuses on blocking. Like most of Dan’s warm up drills this is over the net and game like.
The warm up 20 20 28 volleyball drill is one of our all time favorites. What this drill does is focus on both underhand and overhand ball control. For underhand the players get to pass, bump set and play defense. For overhand the players get to tip, set, roll hit and hit.
This video features a conversation from the office where Dan and Andor discuss Warm Up specifically the Dig Set Drill. This is a great drill for all levels and used preferably early in the practice for team warm up while working on ball control. Dan goal during warm up is to maximize his time with the athlete touching the ball and getting game like situations where possible.
This instructional volleyball video features a conversation from the office where Dan and Andor discuss the volleyball practice warm up – reading butterfly drill. This drill follows aspects of a traditional butterfly drill but adds reading the game components so as to help the players get far more out the drill than a traditional butterfly drill.
This volleyball coaching conversation from the office features one of the most popular volleyball drills ever filmed on volleyball1on1.com This warm up drill has it all and it is no wonder that shortly after presenting it to our members a large number of them started using it in their practices!
Over the Net Pepper has become a very popular drill for all levels! The drill teaches over the head and below the head ball control. It also is great for teaching players how to interact together on the court and what their roles and responsibilities are on the court! This video offers some great insights into running the drill for juniors as well as verbal queues for coaching kids.
The next videos features an intimate conversation with Bill Ferguson (USC Volleyball Head Coach/ SCVA Owner & Coach) and Andor Gyulai (Volleyball1on1.com – Owner) about the practice, the drills, his coaching philosophy and more. This video focuses on Over the Net Pepper Drill.
The next videos features an intimate conversation with Bill Ferguson (USC Volleyball Head Coach/ SCVA Owner & Coach) and Andor Gyulai (Volleyball1on1.com – Owner) about the practice, the drills, his coaching philosophy and more. This series of videos give you an insider, in depth look at Bill Ferguson as a coach as well as the USC volleyball program.
As all coaches know the importance of a good transition set by middles and libero’s. This drill and station will help improve middle and libero setting in transition when the setter defends the first ball. In this video Andor and Bill discuss the “Stations, Libero and Middle Setting” drill in detail and how important ball control for all players including middle is!