The goal behind offering bonuses with our camps is to offer more value. Our bonuses are designed to support you and your players while fostering your players’ love for the game.
Volleyball1on1 Camp Bonuses
Volleyball1on1 Regular Camp Bonuses (Valued at $5500.00 +)
As a bonus, we offer high schools and / or clubs who secure a camp date to work with Volleyball1on1 extra goodies valued at over $8000.00 for your players and coaches, including:
6 Month Volleyball1on1 Silver Membership (Valued at $149.00 Per Coach or Player)
All coaches and players will each receive a six-month Silver video tutorial subscription membership. This membership includes access to Volleyball1on1 2500 video library of instructional videos, drills, exercises, workouts, online demo, online classes and more.

Volleyball1on1 Branded Baseball Hat (Valued at $19.95 Per Coach or Player)
All coaches and players will each receive a Volleyball1on1 branded baseball hat. This hat is great to show others their love for the sport of volleyball.

6 Months of Ongoing Email, Phone and Message Support (Valued at $497.00)
Coaches who run high school Volleyball1on1 Summer Camps will receive on-going phone and email support with Andor Gyulai over the course of their season on an as-needed basis. Described by some coaches as the most valuable service we offer, we will help you manage issues – parent challenges, drill variety and planning, etc. – as they arise throughout the year.

Complimentary 24 Sets Of Four Player Empowerment Cards (Valued @ $380.00)
Volleyball1on1 also offers a complimentary set of four Volleyball1on1 Player Empowerment Cards To Each Camp Attendee.
These wallet size cards are a powerful tool for help players learn:
The Volleyball1on1 “What Great Looks Like!” ® – Team Culture,
The Volleyball1on1 “What Great Looks Like!” ® – Playing Standard
The Volleyball1on1 System For Improving Team Dynamics.
(Valued at $380.00)

Three “What Great Looks Like!” ®: Playing Standard, Coaching Standard, and Winning Culture Poster Sets.
(Valued @ $197.00)
You will receive three Volleyball1on1 “What Great Look’s Like!” ® Poster Sets (Large Size: 27” x 39” Per Poster).
Your “What Great Look’s Like!” ® Poster Sets will help reinforce during your Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp week and ongoing into your season our “What Great Look’s Like!: Playing Standard, Coaching Standard, and Winning Culture.
The process of going from “Good” to “Great” as a program is no accident.
At Volleyball1on1 we believe many programs have gone from “Good” to “Great” by following a simple 6-step formula for achieving these results.
At your Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp week you will learn step-by-step how to turn your program from good into “What Great Looks Like!” ® with our Volleyball1on1 repeatable superior coaching systems.
GREATNESS will apply in the wins and losses.
In addition, it will help you develop players / people of character in your program which we define as “Whole Person Growth” and “It’s Bigger Than Volleyball” ™.
You too will learn how to develop with our “What Great Look’s Like!” system excellent communicative, goal-setting, self-directed, critical thinking lifelong learners who thrive in competition and under pressure, who know how to work as individuals and / or with a team as a member or a leader while being fair and considering others.
Further, you and your staff will learn 7 techniques at your Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp week to make the ball go in “slow motion” and how to provide these techniques successfully to your players.
You will receive in your “What Great Looks Like!” poster training sets, three Vision Training Posters to help teach your players to improve their ability to “Read The Game,” “Slow Down The Ball & Game”, and “Deal With Pressure”.
2 Sets - Volleyball1on1 Practice Plan Outline Poster and Game Plan Offense Poster (Valued @ $300.00)
Volleyball1on1 Practice Plan Outline is a large 24″ by 36″ inch poster that you place on your practice board or a wall in your gym to streamline practice. The poster is laminated and works in conjunction with Volleyball1on1 Practice Formula and the 31 practice plans in the Volleyball1on1 Coaching manual.
This poster makes planning and running a practice easier. Beyond volleyball this poster will also help you teach players important life lessons through sports and help you improve dynamics.
Volleyball1on1 Game Plan Offense Poster is a large 24″ by 36″ inch poster that you place on your practice board or a wall in your offense, specifically how you work on rotations. As all coaches know you tend to have 3 good, 2 bad and 1 OK rotation with all teams. Our job as coaches is to work out the appropriate balance and improve the areas we are weakest while maintaining the areas we are strongest.
This posters offers a number of ways to measure and improve your offense by rotation.
Both posters have never been offered in the sport of volleyball till now and bring many important concepts and strategies used at the collegiate level in an easy to use format for high school volleyball.
* Example to the right: Volleyball1on1 Game Plan Offense Poster
350+ Page Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual (Valued at $125.00 Per Manual)
Volleyball1on1 offers a complimentary Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual to all volleyball high school coaching staff.
This is the most complete youth coaching manual we have seen on the market, and it is tailored specifically for high school and youth coaching. We understand that coaching youth, particularly with players ranging in skill levels and motivation, is a difficult endeavor, and we make that easier with our Coaching Manual.
Coaches who run camps with us tell us their Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual is the most valuable coaching resource they own.

30 Full Volleyball1on1 Practice Plans (Valued at $200.00 Per Coach or Player)
The ability to plan an effective practice is one of the most important skills in coaching. An effective practice maximizes repetition while placing the players in competitive, game-like situations where coaches can offer advice and feedback.
Volleyball1on1’s 30, pre-planned practices will build your team and teach players vital life lessons while creating a space where players can have fun and enjoy time with their friends.
These practices are organized chronologically based upon skill importance and team needs. We also sit down with coaches and review the practice planning schedule using these 30 practices and help you tailor the practice schedule based upon your team’s and players’ unique needs.

Volleyball1on1 High School Coaches Clinic (Valued at $100.00 Per Coach)
At each camp, Volleyball1on1 offers a complimentary Volleyball1on1 Coaches Clinic. This clinic is an excellent opportunity to educate you and your staff on the finer aspects of the game as well as answer all questions you may have. During the Coaches Clinic, we review the 300-page Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual and move through a series of exercises to help you prepare for the upcoming season.
The coaches clinic is perfect for high school coaches who also run club programs, as it provides a complimentary opportunity to train or your club coaches. Would you like all of your coaches to be using the same, proven coaching system? We have done the work and created the systems for you, streamlining and synchronizing every aspect of the coaching system!
Click Here to see a full description of the Volleyball1on1 Coaches Clinic