Our summer volleyball camps offer unique franchise like Superior Coaching Systems ® with Unique Proprietary Coaching Tools. There’s no better way to make your job as a high school volleyball coach easier, more rewarding, and more fun.
Summer High School & Junior High
Volleyball Camps
What Makes Volleyball1on1 Unique And The Best High School Satellite Camp In The Market?
Volleyball1on1 is the leading innovator in USA youth volleyball coaching. What this means is that we offer unique proprietary coaching systems, and tools no other company in the market can offer. Our Summer Camps offer the most extensive training for the High School Varsity Head Coach and their staff of any camp in the market to teach these systems and tools. Additionally, our camps launch your winning team culture while providing, high rep, personalized instruction to your players on all the fundamental skills. We offer unique detailed sessions offense, defense, and our proprietary “Read The Game, Slow The Game, Eliminate Pressure!” ® Schedule a call and learn how as the leading innovator in USA Youth Volleyball Coaching we can help you as a coach.

Extensive Coach & Staff Training
(Learn More!)

Superior Coaching Systems ®
(Learn More!)

Proprietary Coaching Tools ©
(Learn More!)

How Does High School Volleyball1on1 Camp Work?
Volleyball1on1 Satellite Summer Camps are run (Near You | In Your Gym) by our highly trained Volleyball1on1 staff. Our staff of college coaches, trained in Volleyball1on1 Superior Coaching Systems ® teach Volleyball1on1 camp specific curriculum during the three day camp. For added support at the end of camp day-2, a coaches clinic is offered in the evening for all coaching staff including the middle school feeder programs. Post camp additional support is offered to help the Varsity Head Coach as needed including, 1 on 1 phone and email support, video review and more.
Next Steps:
1) Schedule a call to review and answer camp questions if needed.
2) Choose your preferred camp date during the summer based upon your gym availability. This date can be changed if needed.
3) Pay your camp deposit and share the Volleyball1on1 camp flyer and camp marketing material with your players and their parents.
4) Run your camp where we train you and launch your new winning team culture.
5) Enjoy your more FUN, REWARDING and EASIER coaching job using our proven system.
Volleyball1on1 High School And Club Satellite Summer Camp Pricing


Reserving your 3-Day Volleyball Camp is easy. Simply hit the “Book Now” button for the camp you wish to run. We offer a Satellite Volleyball Camp, Fundraising Satellite Camp And A Digital Volleyball Camp. We ask for two dates, your 1st choice, and your 2nd choice.
1. The 3-Day Fundraiser Volleyball Camp ™ covers all the exact same camp curriculum with our Volleyball1on1 Superior Coaching Systems ® – What Great Looks Like! ® and has the same camp hours as the 3-Day Volleyball1on1 Satellite Volleyball Camp. However, post camp, Volleyball1on1 will mail a check for $500.00 back to your program for a 24-player camp and $750.00 for a 32-player camp to help with your fundraising goals.
2. The 3-Day Fundraiser Volleyball Camp ™ includes one Volleyball1on1 Head Coach staff member who has been extensively trained directly by Volleyball1on1.com, Co-Founder – Andor Gyulai who is typically a college level Head Coach. Oftentimes we will fly our Volleyball1on1 Head Coach into your location for camp. During your 3-Day Fundraiser Volleyball Camp ™ you and your staff will be engaged by your Volleyball1on1 Head Coach to help run the 2nd court during camp times.
Since our Volleyball1on1 Superior Coaching Systems ® are being delivered throughout the entire camp providing training to you, your staff, and players on our youth coaching systems, we find this is the ideal scenario to help get you and your staff “up to speed” fully and quickly on our coaching systems and unique proprietary coaching tools.
Alternatively, the 3-Day Volleyball1on1 Satellite Volleyball Camp includes one Volleyball1on1 Head Coach and one Volleyball1on1 Assistant Coach. However, it does not include a fundraising component for your school.
3. The 3-Day Fundraiser Volleyball Camp has a camp deposit of $695.00 and the Volleyball1on1 Volleyball Camp has a camp deposit of $995.00.
A 3-Day Fundraiser Volleyball Camp is typically run Monday – Wednesday or Thursday – Saturday during summer months.
Day 1 – 8 am – 6 pm
Day 2 – 8 am – 5.30 pm
Day 2 – Evening Coaches Clinic: 5.30 – 7.30 pm
Day 3 – 8 am – 4 pm
A camp deposit payment is required during your online camp registration. Upon receipt of your online camp registration, we will email you a one-page Volleyball1on1 Fundraiser Volleyball Camp sign-up form or Volleyball1on1 Volleyball Camp sign-up form.
Once you and you’re Athletic Director review, authorize, and return the one-page camp sign-up form to us via email scan or picture of the form, we will ship your advance copy of your 350-page color High School Varsity Head Coaches Volleyball1on1 Coaches Manual Superior Coaching Systems ® complete edition to you via USPS with the address on file you specified during your online camp registration.
We will seek to finalize your camp date with you shortly upon receipt of your camp booking. If you need to change your original preferred camp date or even your second option camp date, we can do so if we are within the allowable window of timing.
The maximum number of players for a Volleyball1on1 Fundraiser Volleyball Camp is 32 which would equal 17 players per court on two courts and the minimum number of players would be 24. We understand each program we work with has different goals. Our recommendation would be 12 – 14 players per court to equal 26 – 28 players.
*If you have extra players beyond your 24-player minimum, we can plan to verify and take care of these extra players with you on Camp Day 1 together by forwarding you an invoice for your planning for your extra players. This way you don’t have to stress extra players and things moving around on this front leading up to your Camp Day 1.
You need ‘ONE ITEM” – it is a key component. A LARGE double sided white board to be shared between courts measuring 60 x 46 (48 x 36 minimum) which you will utilize ongoing at every practice post camp for your volleyball programs success with our “What Great Looks Like!” ® – Superior Coaching Systems ® posters. Our data at Volleyball1on1 continues to excitingly demonstrate that the high school programs who have the MOST SUCCESS overall and with our coaching systems:
#1. Understand the importance of a large whiteboard being at every volleyball practice. These programs don’t compromise on this front.
#2. Understand the benefit and importance of the Volleyball1on1 “Practice Plan” & “Game Plan Offense” posters along with the “Playing Standard” and “Winning Team Culture” posters being taped to their white board at every practice. These programs seek to get the maximum value from their access to our proven Volleyball1on1 “Franchise-like” Superior Coaching Systems ®. These programs consistently each practice have these specialized posters on their white board to help achieve this goal.
This generation of youth volleyball players need visual re-enforcement of these coaching concepts, tools, and systems. As the High School Varsity Head Coach, you immediately elevate your leadership by doing what the most successful volleyball coaches in the world do at each and every practice, have a whiteboard to clearly outline the coaching systems you are teaching to verify and re-enforce with your coaching staff and players ongoing that you are all successfully working together as a team. We call this at Volleyball1on1 your “Collective Purpose”.
- It is 60 “x 46 “ or larger. (48” x 36” minimum)
- It is double sided which allows for use for two courts, or more intensely by one court.
- It has wheels to move in / out of the gym for your practices to office / storage. Plus, the wheels lock and hold it in place.
- It has a tray for your dry erase markers and eraser.
Here is a link to a large double-sided white board example / option:
You will have access as the High School Varsity Head Coach each camp day to a checklist of what was covered during the Fundraiser Volleyball Camp ™ to help you review and remember what was taught. This too ensures a “quality control” system for you to have a great camp learning our systems and making new coaching breakthroughs for you and your program each time you run a camp with us.
You will receive your final camp invoice balance in early Spring for a summer camp (approximately four months before your camp start date) for your upcoming Volleyball1on1 Fundraiser Camp for your advance planning and review. It will include your player minimum fee, $145.00 general transport fee for coach travel, and $125.00 for your camp package preparations / shipping with extra camp bonuses less your camp deposit. No other fees are included or added.
Final camp invoices are due on / before 21 days before your camp start date. Your total Volleyball1on1 Fundraiser Volleyball Camp ™ deposit of $695.00 or Volleyball1on1 Volleyball Camp deposit of $995.00 will be deducted from your final camp invoice balance. For your advance planning, we recommend you plan for at least one to two months before your camp start date to pay your final camp invoice so we may successfully deliver via mail your carefully prepped & package Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp package to you prior to your camp start date with all your camp manuals, posters, names tags, and court tape for us to run an awesome Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp together.
With our easy “Check By Phone” system or credit card. You can email scan a copy of the front of your camp check to Vanessa@Volleyball1on1.com with all four corners in it made payable to: Volleyball1on1.com. Vanessa Summers-Gyulai, Volleyball1on1 – Co-Founder will confirm with you directly upon receipt.
We will plan to ship your camp package to your online registration address we collected during your enrollment for camp. Please note, we collect your home address during your online registration as we prefer / recommend shipping your advance High School Volleyball1on1 Coaches Manual Superior Coaching Systems ® complete edition and your camp package to your home. We can more successfully ensure your packages arrives to you directly in a timely manner. Especially your camp package in advance of Camp Day 1.
Your Camp Package will include:
1)350-page Volleyball1on1 Coaches Manual Superior Coaching Systems ® Complete Edition For Camp Days & Your Two Hour Evening Coaches Clinic.
2) Four Large “What Great Looks Like!” ™ & “Vision Training” Poster Sets.
3) Two Extra Large Game Plan Offense Posters Laminated.
4) Two Extra Large Practice Plan Posters Laminated.
5) Court Tape (to help you organize your court for more effective camp drills, hitting, running practices, and more).
6) Name Tags For All Staff And Players.
Please plan to have an excel spreadsheet on Camp Day 1 with you, your staff, and players first name, last name, and email addresses so we can set-up your Volleyball1on1.com 6-month coaching video memberships (Valued at $149.00 Per Membership). Please email your spreadsheet to Assistant@Volleyball1on1.com on Camp Day 1 and we will get this taken care of asap for you, your staff, and players.
You are responsible for providing lodging and food for your Volleyball1on1 Fundraiser Camp Head Coach or two coaches for your Volleyball1on1 Volleyball Camp. Typically, lodging and food is provided by a host family of a player or players in your program. Alternatively, if it is more convenient for you as the High School Varsity Head Coach, coaches may be lodged in a local motel / hotel accommodation with food you arrange on their behalf. This is 100% dependent on what works best for you and your parents. For lunch during camp, we find parents are more than willing to provide a meal or two. We suggest you consider having a different parent provide a meal each day. Whatever works best for you.
*Please note, it is especially important your Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp coach or coaches do not lodge with you or your staff of coaches. Our 3-day camp curriculum is intensive, and it is imperative ALL coaches get a complete restful break at the end of each very full camp day. Our goal is to provide you guidance and instruction to have the best camp possible. We find this detail is very important to plan for and put into place to set you as the High School Varsity Coach up for the most successful camp.
The Volleyball1on1 Fundraiser Volleyball Camp and Volleyball1on1 Satellite Volleyball Camp is non-cancel-able and fully-transferable one-time at no additional cost for a period of one-year from your original scheduled camp date with advance notice of 120-days prior to your camp start date to transfer your Volleyball1on1 Fundraiser Volleyball Camp ™ in writing via email to a new camp date one-time. Camp deposit fees paid are non-refundable and fully transferable per the guidelines outlined.
No. Volleyball1on1 Superior Coaching Systems ® are where the possible becomes possible for High School Varsity Head Coaches and their programs. One complete youth coaching system, inclusive of everything FOR YOU TO GET an extraordinary competitive edge to make you unstoppable – regardless of your coaching experience, playing history, age, location, program size, or career.
Volleyball1on1’s “Superior Coaching Systems” ® help you successfully establish and launch a set of standards and systems for delivering success repeatedly as a High School Varsity Head Coach for building your program, similar to a business “Franchise-like” system. This system makes a new coach good quick and a seasoned coach great.
In return, High School Varsity Head Coaches and / or Club Directors have immediate results with our “Superior Coaching Systems” ® and typically book an annual summer camp or weekend clinic with Volleyball1on1 whereby we help them re-tune and improve their systems, ie. – re-tune the engine. We find that our coaching systems are so comprehensive that programs seem to find their greatest successes in their high school season 2 & 3 & 4 (depending on where they started) with our coaching systems since these programs have had time to really get their programs engine running well-tuned on all fronts.
Our unique proprietary coaching tools are provided in coordination with our “Superior Coaching Systems” ® as limited licensed trademarked and copyright protected materials to only our camp clients making them totally inaccessible to the general volleyball youth coaching marketplace. This gives you as a High School Varsity Head Coach a massive competitive advantage in working with the absolute best, most modern, and fully complete youth coaching system available today while creating a sustainable coaching lifestyle. You will work less, more efficiently, and have more fun – all while having a greater lasting positive impact on the players you coach each season.
Our Volleyball1on1 “Superior Coaching Systems” ® are provided to our camp clients for one high school and / or club season post running a camp with us. Clients may choose to extend their license for a subsequent season at no cost by running a camp the following season or alternatively they have the option to renew their limited license to our “Superior Coaching Systems” ® with an annual licensing fee at the beginning of each calendar year of only $1000.00 for a high school or $2000.00 for a club.
If you are a High School Varsity Head Coach who would also like to utilize our coaching systems for your club as a Club Director in the same season, the annual licensing fee is still only $1000.00 per year, in effect a two for one licensing fee. Again, the annual licensing fee only applies if you choose not to run a camp in a calendar year with Volleyball1on1. Running a camp with Volleyball1on1 automatically waives your annual licensing fee for that year.