RDL and Core, Anti Rotation Stability – Strength and Power Portion of Velocity Workout 3

This video contains two of our favorite exercises for volleyball, RDL’s (Romanian Dead lift) and anti rotation core stability training. What we like about RDL is that it is one of the best exercises to build hamstrings, one of the most critical muscles for jumping and volleyball. As for the core anti rotation stability exercise, we love this exercise as what we hear from many of our top athletes is that this is one of the most important factors for injury prevention when spiking.


Strength and Power Portion of Velocity Workout 3 Explained

In this video, Velocity Sports Performance Coach – Chase Cameron explains our goals for the next portion of the workout, the strength and power portion. This video will give you not only an insight into how this workout is designed but also how Velocity designs their weekly workout plan which generally consist of 3 workouts a week. A linear day, a jump / landing day and a multi-directional day.


Cone Drill Exercise for Movement Portion – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional

his video contains a cone drill for the multi- directional movement portion of the workout. what we like about this exercise is that it is volleyball specific and can easily be modified or adjusted to meet your players unique needs. Also it is added straight to the workout so your athletes are learning volleyball specific movements while training and improving athletic performance.


Thermogenic Warm Up – Velocity Workout 3 – Multi-Directional (2 Videos)

Volleyball thermogenic warm up’s are a good way to get ready for most volleyball related activity including lifting, training, sprinting, workouts and of course playing volleyball. Thermogenesis is a process in which the body generates heat. In exercise-induced thermogenesis, the body creates heat to warm up the muscles because warm muscles work better and more efficiently.
