Volleyball Defense Demo, Side View at 25% and 100% Speed with Mike Diehl

This is a volleyball indoor defense demo with Mike Diehl of volleyball1on1.com. This is a side view slowed to 25% and 100% speed. Mike Diehl was a NCAA Champion at UCLA, a 4 Man Bud Light Tour MVP and Kill Leader, and a 15 Year European Indoor Pro. While playing Pro in Europe Mike was 3 time league MVP, along with being the league kill and ace leader. Mike is also a certified personal trainer and has been coaching volleyball for almost 15 years.


Volleyball Demonstration – Kerri Walsh and April Ross – Sideout Off Two Ball Attack Off Serve, April Spiking

This volleyball demonstration features Kerri Walsh setting April Ross to attack the second ball while the blocker is running up. As you can see the defense is not ready and gets absolutely owned on the play. This play should be run when the defense has a blocker that serves a weak serve that is easy to pass and you partner is a strong hitter.
