What Current “Reading the Game” Model for Volleyball Coaching Misses – Orientation (Article 2)

After over 3 years of research through my own observations as a player and coach I realized the Reading – Planning – Doing system can be vastly improved, specifically how we as coaches teach players the process of how we as humans respond to stimuli (predominantly with our eyes), which is the basis of how all volleyball skills and sports are performed.


“Reading the Game” for Volleyball: Reading – Planning – Doing, Model for Volleyball Coaching (Article 1)

Did you know one of the biggest breakthroughs in the “science of coaching volleyball” today is called “Reading the Game”? Most of the ideas related to this were first introduced by Karch Kiraly (considered the greatest volleyball player in the sport) on his retirement and transition into coaching just a few years ago during a presentation at an AVCA Convention in San Antonio, Texas.


2 Million And Counting… My Most Popular Volleyball Spiking Videos On YouTube

I recently hit over 2 million views for my videos on the subject of spiking on YouTube. Naturally I am always surprised and humbled because when I started Volleyball1on1 my goal was to just film the best players and coaches in the world and never did I think my videos would be some of the most popular. Today I am going to share some of these video including some of my favorite that I think are really good but have not become popular.


Uni High Match Day – Between Match Sets Break – Tips for Coaching

This video was filmed between Set 1 and Set 2 of the match. This is another powerful video which reveals how Andor makes the most use of the limited time focusing on specific players and goals as well as changing the collective energy of the group. Again you will notice the Socratic method of coaching and how Andor takes the players down a path that he wants. This video shows how brilliant coaches interact with their team changing the collective energy during breaks.
