VolleyTots – Youth Volleyball Training Exercises for Youth Players and Kids with Andor Gyulai 5-12-15

This post and article was inspired by an article by Karch Kiraly on “The Importance of Functional Strength”. “I see a lot of younger players who lack the necessary strength to hold a low body position for even 5 or 10 seconds.” – Karch Kiraly – USA Women’s Head Coach. I developed this program over the last year or so working with my kid and youth players on something that is functional and fun.


Spray Pass – Regular and Overhead Setting Beach Volleyball Drill with Coaching by Anjinho Bacil

This video features a continuation and a progression from the previous spray pass drill. Now players not only have to set a bad spray pass, but in some cases the spray pass is so bad they have to set the ball behind themselves. This video also works on player spacing and helps the attacker with where and how to approach a bad pass so they can still maybe be in system or at least get a decent attack in on the bad pass.


Warmup Hitting Lines Beach Drill with Anjinho Bacil

This video features the players doing warm up hitting lines with Anjinho Bacil during the beach practice. The players are getting more physically ready for the tougher more intensive drills that include more attacking. What I like about this video is it brings up the important point that the passer / hitter should always pass the ball infront of the setter in beach. On a tough serve / free ball / even warm ups the passer needs to work to get the ball in front of the setter to set up the offense.
