Hang Cleans is one of the best exercises to help increase your vertical for volleyball. This entire series of 4 videos is free in order to give you a taste of Reid Hall expertise as a strength and conditioning coach as well as introduce you to our new 1 on 1 volleyball training / workout / lifting and nutrition program. For more information on this exciting new program – Click Here!
Video 1- Intro Video – How to Teach Progressively Hang Cleans
This video series focuses on teaching you how to implement one the best exercises to help increase your vertical jump. Hang cleans should be a staple exercise in a volleyball players training routine. If hang cleans are performed properly you will not only get up higher but also quicker. In order to perform hang cleans properly you need to learn the precursor exercises. This video series goes in depth teaching you how to properly perform the Hang Triple Extension, The Hang High Pull, and The Hang Clean.
Video 2- Hang Triple Extension
The Hang Triple Extension is the first exercise that needs to be mastered in order to perform hang cleans properly. This exercise is basically a weighted jump with a shrug. The focus is becoming more powerful and efficient at extending through your ankles, knees, and hips (triple extension). The triple extension is the major power source in a standing block jump.
Progression for beginners-
Start of practicing the technique with using a dowel instead of a barbell. Perform sets with 5 repetitions. As you gain comfort and strength with the movement pattern replace the dowel with the barbell. Slowly make small increases in weight.
Progression for advanced lifters-
Perform sets with 3 repetitions with plenty of rest time between sets. Use a weight that is fairly heavy but you are still able to efficiently move through the range of motion. Each week make small increases in weight and focus on being powerful.
Video 3- Hang High Pull
The Hang High Pull is the second exercise that needs to be mastered in order to progress to performing Hang Cleans properly. Much like the Hang Triple Extension the exercise focuses on a powerful extension through the ankles, knees, and hips. The difference between the Hang High Pull and the Hang Triple Extension is after initiating the powerful shoulder shrug you will allow your arms to travel up towards your neck. If you are new to the exercise begin with just using a dowel or the barbell. Once you have gained comfort with the movement pattern slowly start adding weight to the bar. Perform sets between 1 to 5 repetitions.
Video 4- Hang Cleans
After mastering the Hang Triple Extensions and the Hang High Pull you are ready to perform Hang Cleans. This is one of the best exercises for increasing your vertical jump. Always perform a couple warm up sets with just the barbell. Focus on making small increases in weight. Perform sets between 1 to 5 repetitions. You do not need to go extremely heavy in this exercise. Focus on being powerful in all your repetitions.
To set up your FREE consultation send Reid Hall an email and specify a few time-slots that would work for you. reid@volleyball1on1.com Consultations can be held over the phone (depending on location), Skype, or Google Hangouts. All programs include free Volleyball1on1 Membership while participating in the program as well as a free Volleyball1on1 ball for 3, 6 and 12 month participants.
More about Reid Hall –
Can you only hear the sample videos if you have a membership? I thought I could watch and hear to see if it would be something to purchase but the sound isn’t working so checking to see if that is on purpose that we can’t hear it????
The sound is working on all the videos!