St. Johns Volleyball Club Offers Best In Class Coaching With World-Class Celebrity Coach Andor Gyulai
Volleyball1on1 (Established in 2009) is excited to announce the opening of St. Johns Volleyball Club in St. Johns County, Florida. The club will offer Grass, Youth Volleyball Skill Development Classes, Private Lessons, and VPT – Volleyball Pattern Training ® / Fitness Training. Programs are designed for players in middle school and high school. The club plans to expand later to include indoor and beach volleyball.
Volleyball1on1 (St. Johns Volleyball Club Founders / Owners) is the leading innovator in USA youth volleyball coaching. Co-Founder Andor Gyulai is a pioneer in the sport of volleyball and a world-renowned celebrity coach who will be instructing all youth players at these classes alongside his own kids (Top USA Youth Volleyball Athletes) directly on Volleyball1on1’s Superior Coaching Systems ®.

These coaching systems help your youth volleyball player not only become great at volleyball, they also help player who work with us become:
“Excellent goal-setting, communicative, self-directed, critical thinking, lifelong learners who thrive in competition and under pressure, who know how to work as individuals and / or with a team as a member or a leader while being fair and considering others.”
This program offers best-in-class coaching and an excellent introduction to volleyball for new players, while helping current players significantly advance their skill set. Attendees will be fully prepared for middle or high school team tryouts while developing a life-long love of volleyball.
St. Johns Volleyball Club (Nocatee Fields location) is located just south of the dog park, north of the large grass field, and east of the restroom. The location offers free parking in front of our grass volleyball courts. For parents with other children, the location also has a great playground in close proximity to the volleyball area, and walking paths. Located near Nocatee Town Center, parents can run an errand, do some grocery shopping, or grab a bite to eat during class. Parents are also welcome to bring a chair and watch and learn as we train in beautiful St. Johns County.
St. Johns Volleyball Club (Fruit Cove Middle School / Julington Creek Plantation Park Fields location) is located behind or just south of Fruit Cove Midde School. The location offers free parking in front of our grass volleyball courts. For parents with other children, the location also has a great playground in close proximity to the volleyball area, and walking paths. Located near Plantation Plaza Shopping Mall, parents can run an errand, do some grocery shopping, or grab a bite to eat during class. Parents are also welcome to bring a chair and watch and learn as we train in beautiful St. Johns County.
Why St. Johns Volleyball Club vs. Another Club:
Andor Gyulai
World Class Coaching
- Leading Innovator
Leading Innovator
Superior Coaching Systems ®
Why Grass Volleyball
vs. Indoor Volleyball
It’s Bigger Than Volleyball ® - Life & Career Skills
Skill / Technique
- Learn From The Best!
VPT– Volleyball Pattern Training ®
Andor Gyulai, World Class Expert Coach – Andor Gyulai is a pioneer in the sport of volleyball and Co-Founder of Volleyball1on1, the leading innovator in USA youth volleyball coaching. His legacy as an expert celebrity volleyball coach includes over 50,000 hours and 28 years of coaching experience working with the absolute best coaches and players in the sport of volleyball. Andor is also one of the most popular YouTube volleyball coaches in the world on “Volleyball Spiking Technique” and “Volleyball Passing Technique” with more than ten million views on just 5 videos.
Andor has been invited to present as the keynote speaker at the Florida Volleyball Coaches Association, Ohio Volleyball Coaches Association, Wisconsin Volleyball Coaches Association, New Mexico Volleyball Coaches Association, Missouri Volleyball Coaches Association, and The South Dakota Volleyball Coaches Association. Further, he has also presented regularly at the annual American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) convention – the largest convention of volleyball coaches in the world. Below are two videos of Andor presenting a few of the most popular volleyball instructional videos in the world on YouTube.
Andor Teaching Passing
2 Million+ Views
Intro - Volleyball1on1 2500+
Video Library (Andor Filmed)
Andor Teaching Spiking
1.6 Million+ Views
Volleyball1on1 As USA Youth Volleyball Coaching Leading Innovator – Volleyball1on1 offers the first Franchise like “Superior Coaching Systems” ® to help coaches successfully establish and launch a set of standards and systems for delivering success repeatedly as a High School Varsity Head Coach for building your program, similar to a business “Franchise-like” system. This system makes a new coach good quick and a seasoned coach great.
Many of these systems will be taught to your youth volleyball players at St. Johns Volleyball Club by Andor Gyulai himself who developed all Volleyball1on1 Systems with his business partner and wife Vanessa Summers-Gyulai.
Coaching Systems Include: What Great Looks Like! ® : Coaching Standard, Playing Standard, & Winning Culture. It’s Bigger Than Volleyball! ®, Whole Person Growth ®, Read The Game, Slow The Game, And Eliminate Pressure ®, Do Your Share ®, C.A.R.E. – Connect, Ask, Recognize, Empathize. ®, Vision Training Toolkit ®, S.O.S. – Stress Output Score ®, Bump Up ®, VPT – Volleyball Pattern Training ®, OODA Loop Peak Performance Vision Training Blue Print ©, Volleyball1on1 Team Building Pyramid ©, Volleyball1on1 Player Empowerment Cards ©, Volleyball1on1 Game Plan Offense Poster ©, Volleyball1on1 Practice Outline Poster ©, and the 2022 Volleyball1on1 Indoor And Beach Coaching Manuals.
Volleyball1on1 Historic Milestones: In 2009 Andor and Vanessa launched the first ever volleyball video coaching web site in the world. features the top names in the sport of volleyball from Olympic Gold Medalists, NCAA MVP’s, AVP, and FIVB winners with their extensive 2500+ video library of indoor and outdoor beach content with the best coaches and players in the world sharing their insider tips, techniques, and winning strategies. A few of the top volleyball coaches in the world Andor has directly worked with include: Al Scates, Alan Knipe, Bill Ferguson, Brian Gimmillaro, Gary Sato, and Sinjin Smith.
In 2014 Volleyball1on1 launched the first ever “Volleyball Coaches Camp” in combination with their acclaimed USA High School Volleyball1on1 Summer Camps for high school players. High School Varsity Head Coaches and their staff learn in their camps to leapfrog their coaching and programs with Volleyball1on1’s “Franchise Like” Superior Coaching Systems ®.
In 2017 Volleyball1on1 launched the first fully “Franchise Like” Superior Coaching System ® for High Schools, and clubs around the world.
In 2022 Volleyball1on1 opened St. Johns Volleyball Club in St. Johns County in Ponte Vedra, Florida to train other kids alongside there three kids namely: Thor (14), Veda (11) and Charlie (6).

Why Grass Volleyball vs. Indoor Volleyball – Whether your kids are athletes or not, they likely love playing in the park on the grass with their friends. Grass volleyball leverages and builds on this outdoor love to help your kids develop as athletes and develop a lifelong love of sports and volleyball. We like to say: “Keep Playing!” Our belief is the opportunity to experience volleyball outdoors, under the sun, with your friends, is one of the best experiences we can offer as a coach or parent to “Keep Playing!”
But Grass Volleyball conveniently located at the Nocatee Fields offers many other benefits. Grass volleyball tends to only have 2, or 3 players on each team. Our goal is generally only 2 players per team. Compare this to most indoor club practice teams with 6 players, this means your child touches the ball many more times with grass volleyball. More touches on the ball means more skill development. In addition, this is purposeful skill development in all the skills. Most college coach will tell you that players who play two person volleyball tend to be much better at the sport as they develop all-round skills and they are better at “Reading The Game!”
More touches on the ball also equal more fun and more “PLAY!” Our #1 Goal Is “To Have Fun With Our Friends Playing Volleyball!” Outdoor, 2 person volleyball tends to support this goal best with the most PLAY and FUN!
Grass Volleyball Keeps The Cost Down – Grass volleyball also helps us to keep the class cost down which we can pass on to you by not having to pay gym fees, plus the ability to expand our number of courts as needed practice to practice. This provides an extremely high-quality youth volleyball class for the best value for your dollar in youth volleyball coaching. For beginning volleyball players, grass volleyball is a great way to introduce your kids to the awesome life-long sport of volleyball versus investing thousands of dollars to learn indoor volleyball at another club.
It’s Bigger Than Volleyball ® – At Volleyball1on1 we deeply believe volleyball and sports are a vehicle for teaching important life lessons for success in life. We believe most coaches and parents are “like minded” in this pursuit of helping their children develop life and career skills through sports. (We are an industry leader and innovator in this area)
Co-founders of Volleyball1on1 Andor Gyulai and Vanessa Summers-Gyulai are deeply passionate about impacting the lives of youth in powerfully positive ways through their Franchise Like, Superior Coaching Systems ®, which include “It’s Bigger Than Volleyball” ® and “Whole Person Growth” ®. Andor and Vanessa help Middle School, High School Varsity Head Coaches and their staff launch and manage their youth coaching systems to develop volleyball players in their program to be:
“Excellent goal-setting, communicative, self-directed, critical thinking, lifelong learners who thrive in competition and under pressure, who know how to work as individuals and / or with a team as a member or a leader while being fair and considering others.”
These same Franchise-Like, Superior Coaching Systems ® will be applied at St. John’s Volleyball Club practices and discussed often with you through our ongoing parent meetings of youth players who attend classes so parents can reinforce these systems at home.
Skill / Technique Development – Andor Gyulai, St. Johns Volleyball Club lead instructor is one of the top youth skill development coaches in the world. What this means is that your child is being taught the absolute best technique in volleyball. This technique will help them avoid injuries and put them on a path if they so choose to play in college. As a athlete parent or coach you may know that there are few things more difficult than changing bad technique. With St Johns Volleyball Club you can have the peace of mind that this will never happen.
Additionally good skills means fewer injuries. Many young athletes and volleyball players are often sidelined with injuries due to bad technique. This need not happen and we can help.
VPT– Volleyball Pattern Training ® – Regardless of the sport we as humans function best when we use good “Movement Patterns. “Bad Form” or a “Bad Movement Pattern” is either unsafe, inefficient or both. Bad form can lead to injury plus does not help maximize use of the body’s full potential.
VPT– Volleyball Pattern Training ® overcomes this by teaching good movement patterns while also teaching volleyball skills. Examples include a squat while passing, or good throwing form while hitting. Players will also learn how to identify and solve injuries as they happen for long-term overall body health and fitness.

“ is the best solution to all of your volleyball questions from A to Z. Parents, players, coaches and fans, can help take you to the next level through their instructional coaching videos, drills, scholarship information, and more.”
– Gary Sato, (USA Men’s Head Coach, Japan Men’s Head Coach, USA – Youth U21 Boys Head Coach, USC Head Coach, Youth Boys and Girls Club Coach)
We are a member club of the Florida Region of USA Volleyball. As a player you may stop any unwanted contact from a club representative by simply asking (either verbally or in writing) that all contact cease. Any player believing a club representative of any Florida Region volleyball club has been intimidating, harassing, or acted inappropriately in any manner of contact or recruiting should contact the Florida Region office at (352) 742-0080
3501 N Pence De Leon Blvd Suite B187 St Augustine, FL 32084
SJVC Club Director: Andor Gyulai
Tel: (310) 435-5840