This series of 5 videos features the 6 on 6 game like portion of practice. The drill is the 4 ball drill that features 2 serves, an out of system attack and then a free ball. The game is scored in such a way that the offense should sideout at 75% to score points while the defense should side out at 50% to score points. There are a number of interesting points in this drill including how the ball is put in play, how energy is created in the drill via scoring, plus much much more. All coaches should watch this drill as once you see it you will likely want to add it to your practice. For players this drill will show you allot of what college coaches look for in great players as well as what kids of pressure you will face as a hitter once you start playing at a higher level.
To see more Team and Multi-Skill Indoor Drills, click the link.