This post continues with the serving and passing drill on one court with the outsides, opposites and liberos and on the other court the middles and setters continue to work on teaching the middles movement patterns and how to spike successfully out of the middle hitter position. This drill offers a progression for the middles from the previous videos series.
There are a numbers of things you will learn from these two videos.
– Andor is now trying to have Kerri engage the players more effectively using the Socratic method of teaching. This has instant and dramatic affects which viewers will see in the videos including increased participation, an environment of self learning, increased enthusiasms and increase rate of transfer of the players learning important skills.
– How to progress a middle movement pattern drills.
– Verbal cues for teaching middles how to be more effective.
– Coaching tips for teaching middles.
– Opportunity to watch how a coach changes the amount of coaching / verbal cues as the players progress through the 4 stages of learning. This is powerful and you will see how Andor engages the players and makes sure they are on track to learning effectively.
Progression on Middle Movement Patterns Volleyball Drill
Better Communication with Players – The Socratic Method of Teaching
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