This powerful video is the first video of Andor Gyulai coaching the team on day 2 of practice at Uni high school in Santa Monica. This video features a numbers of extremely valuable takeaways for coaches across all levels including:
– Setting a tone of discipline.
– Helping coaching create a core value system for their program. (Create life long learners, Kaizen!)
– Helping coaching create guiding team principals on behavior, team interaction and more. (Compete in every drill in practice!)
– Helping coaching create a set of rules for practice. (80% Movement when doing non volleyball activities, like toilet, shagging, getting water.)
– Helping coaches create guiding team systems of play. (Example: 4 out of 5 serves)
– Help coaches see how to better communicate with their players. (Watch Andor! The energy raises to the highest energy in the room and watch Andor energy and how the players respond!)
– Help coaches understand how to layout a practice for their team. (Using a white board.)
– Help coaches explain coaching philosophies to their team. (Watch Andor explain and teach.)
– Help coaches ask better questions and use the Socratic method to engage their players.
– Advice on how to run / setup the huddle in practice.
– How to teach the process of effective learning.
This video is unrehearsed, live action. It is impressive how much is covered in just 8 minutes and off the cuff.
If you are interested in see more videos with the coaches in the huddle with their teams, click – Volleyball In Practice Videos!
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