This video features Andor teaching and running the his Omaha Pressure Serving Volleyball Drill. This drill is designed for all skill levels and will help teach your team to serve aggressively under pressure. On top of this the drill does a great job of building team unity. The drill should be run once or twice in practice and can be used to raise the energy of practice plus have some fun!
Omaha Pressure Serving Volleyball Drill – Uni High – Day 2
This drill was from Volleyball Coaching Nightmares Practice 2 at Uni High. Click to see videos and drills from practice 2 or practice 1 at Uni High School in Santa Monica. (Includes Free Videos)
Andor Gyulai VolleyballBeginner, Youth and Kids DrillsFeatured Indoor DrillsFree Volleyball VideosHigh School DrillsHigh School VolleyballIndoor VolleyballInstructorsJunior High School DrillsServing DrillsVolleyballVolleyball Coaching NightmaresVolleyball DrillsVolleyball GeneralVolleyball Videos