Mike presents a 6 video series on hitting from the back row. In this series instructions are demonstrated on shots to spike from all areas in the back including the bic.
1. When hitting the D start slightly outside the court so the players momentum toward the center of the court.
2. Hitting a pipe or bic is best done with a two step approach due to the speed of the set, among other reasons.
3. Position five attacks are successful due to the outside blocker first having to commit to the front row hitter. This leaves the back row attack open.
4. Several shots can be hit from area D. Cross court, cross court chop shot, down the line and more.
5. The pipe or bic has more than the deep corners available. Putting top spin on the ball causes it to drop in front of the defender.
6. Develop shots such as these from position five. The block is often not ready for hits from this position.
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Mike Diehl Volleyball Back Row Hitting Video 1
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