Logan Tom presents a video series on volleyball passing technique. These videos present the basics that every player from beginner to Olympian must use.
1. The eye sequence requires following the ball from the server to the players platform. Keep the eyes on the platform after contact with the feet moving the body around behind the ball.
2. Three keys for correct footwork. The base, tracking and going forward at the end. The base is balanced front to back and side to side. Track the ball without bouncing up and down. Lastly move forward toward the target taking two steps forward after the pass.
3. Use the platform to cut the ball off on its line of approach. Go meet the ball rather than the ball meeting the player. Keep the platform flat and strong every time with an extra push toward the target.
4. For balance keep the center of gravity between and over the knees and feet to be able to react in any direction.
5. Put all the movements into action with a perfect pass every time.
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Logan Tom Volleyball Passing Video 1