Ed was a NCAA champion at UCLA. He is the current UCLA single game kills record holder with 21 kills in 1 set. In addition he is a 15 year AVP veteran, which includes ranking in the top ten for blocks and kills on the AVP 2003-Current. He has also represented the US for beach volleyball.

Orange County, California – Youth Beach Volleyball Camps with Ed Ratledge

Volleyball1on1 is excited to announce that long time Volleyball1on1 Instructor will continue to host youth beach volleyball camps in Orange County. Ed a long time beach and AVP Beach Volleyball professional has built a good reputation as hosting once of the best beach volleyball camps in California for youth players. The camps occur all summer long and take place Monday – Friday 9 am till Noon. Ages are 7-16 both boys and girls. For more details contact Ed and his wonderful staff below!

Beach Volleyball Camps
Season: All summer long, late June-August
Day/Time: Mon-Fri 9-noon
Ages: 7-16 with different camps for different ages

Ed Ratledge Beach Volleyball Comfort

Ed Ratledge a pro beach volleyball player and NCAA national champion presents a series of videos on how to stay comfortable while playing and hanging out at the beach.
Keep the of the game up when you’re on a roll. Take some time to gather yourself when losing.
Shorts should not bind and be made of a stretch material