“We need proximal stability to have distal mobility. In other words, we need relative stability through the trunk to make full use of the range of motion available in joints such as the hips and shoulders. In other words, a strong core that activates at the correct time and with the right amount of intensity is the prerequisite to having arms and legs that perform well. It doesn’t matter how much force you can generate with your extremities if your trunk is not strong enough to oppose and transmit it; and it doesn’t matter how rigid you can make your core if the contraction is not timed properly based on the specific movement demand.” – http://jtsstrength.com/articles/2014/06/17/3-reasons-half-kneeling-position-will-improve-training/
The Functional Movement Screen showed serious problems in not only my core strength but how my core was firing.
The Half-Kneeling Core Activation Exercise is great warm up, cool down or even core exercise to add to any volleyball training workout to help build your core and make sure it fires correctly.