Over the Net Pepper has become a very popular drill for all levels! The drill teaches over the head and below the head ball control. It also is great for teaching players how to interact together on the court and what their roles and responsibilities are on the court!
This video offers some great insights into running the drill for juniors as well as verbal queues for coaching kids.
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Ball Control DrillsBeginner, Youth and Kids DrillsBill Ferguson VolleyballBoys DrillsClub VolleyballFeatured Indoor DrillsGirls DrillsHigh School DrillsIndoor VolleyballInstructorsJunior High School DrillsKids DrillsMiddle School DrillsPepper DrillsPractice DrillsTeam and Multi Skill DrillsTransition DrillsVolleyballVolleyball DrillsVolleyball GeneralVolleyball TeamVolleyball Videos