Advanced beach volleyball drills for pro, college and serious volleyball players.

Guided Hard Angle Hit Beach Drill with Pedro Brazao (3 Video)

This video series features Pedro Brazao taking the players through a guided hard angle hit ball with a line block off a server to either player. If the defender does not dig the ball the coach puts in another ball. This video has the funniest in action sequence we have ever filmed! “This will hopefully teach you young guys a lesson about making fun of old fat guys who are just getting back into it and trying to get in shape! We were young guns too and in many cases brought a much much bigger cannon! :)” – Andor Gyulai – With a Bazooka

Stretch Step Advanced Beach Volleyball Defense Techniques, Tips and Drill with Andor Gyulai

This video features advanced beach volleyball defense technique and tips with Andor Gyulai the owner of This video also features a simple defense beach volleyball drill to help with these techniques. The technique is described as the “Stretch Step Shortening Cycle” and is used to help players load as the ball is contacted so…

Scored Game like Play Using 6 Foot Forward Jump Serve To Start the Rally with Anjinho Bacil

This video features the next progression of the practice with a scored game like drill using a 6 foot forward jump serve to start the rally. The result of the tougher serving is more spray passes thus working on some of the new setting techniques the players just worked on in the previous drills.

Spray Pass – Regular and Overhead Setting Beach Volleyball Drill with Coaching by Anjinho Bacil

This video features a continuation and a progression from the previous spray pass drill. Now players not only have to set a bad spray pass, but in some cases the spray pass is so bad they have to set the ball behind themselves. This video also works on player spacing and helps the attacker with where and how to approach a bad pass so they can still maybe be in system or at least get a decent attack in on the bad pass.

Spray Pass Beach Setting Volleyball Drill and Coaching Featuring Anjinho Bacil

This video features the spray pass setting drill and coaching with Anjinho Bacil. A short low pass is a common error when passing the ball infront of your inside leg however at the height Anjinho recommends however practicing this drill results in an easy fix where the setter can improve the play and get the hitter back in system.

4 Person Cross Court Pepper Beach Volleyball Drill with Anjinho Bacil

This video is a continuation and filming from the earlier cross court pepper drill. This drill features allot of verbal cues and coaching on: movement, managing the ball between you and your partner, defense, ball control, setting and more. This video again shows how the best make the game simple and how they make the court smaller and easier between partners.

Beach Volleyball Superman Defensive Technique – Hand Down for Control / 2 Ball – Defense Drill

This video describes Jason Lockhead Superman Defense Technique. The technique involves you putting your non digging hand in the sand for more control so that you look like superman “Flying Pose” as you fly along the top of the sand. This technique was filmed while during practice while Jason was running a 2 ball beach volleyball defense drill.

Pass, Set, Cover Hit, Set Hit Warm Up Beach Volleyball Drill with Jason Lockhead

This is another great warm up drill which focuses on covering the hitter as well as lifting the ball after you cover the hit and getting back and ready to spike. This drill works on allot of beach skills that are often ignored but by doing it during the warm up it allows the players to work on skills while building into their hitting.

Beach Volleyball Self Setting Square Drill with Jason Lockhead

This is a great warm up setting drill with Jason Lockhead, AVP and FIVB Player / Coach. This drill is designed for high level volleyball players but can be modified to make it easier or harder and you see how Jason does this, making the drill much harder as the players progress through it.

Mental Challenge Standing Shot Game Skill Building Warm Up Drill with Jason Lockhead

This is an incredibly fun and challenging beach volleyball drill that will warm up players, improve skills, improve team communication and finally get players heads in the game of volleyball. The drill felt next too impossible when it started but by the time it finished all 4 players were juiced and excited for what was an incredible practice to follow which only built on this great first drill to start!