#1 Instructional volleyball coaching website in the world
This video contains a conversations from the office with Tom Black regarding practice 1 with LMU Women’s Volleyball Team. In the video Tom and Andor discuss how Tom came up with the process of setting weekly goals for the team and how they go about reviewing them and debriefing on those goals
Conversations from the office with Tom Black from practice 1 where Tom and Andor discuss volleyball sports psychology and serving pressure. Also some great drills Tom does to increase serving pressure!
In this free video Tom shares some great stories and history about his mentors and the people that helped him become a great coach.
Tom Black conversations from the office from practice 1 – In this video Tom explanation debriefing before and after practice.
This video contains Tom Black explaining the Hut to 5 drill from practice 1.
In this video Tom Black discusses his intensive research into the jump float serve and why it is the most effective serve is women’s college volleyball. This video is extremely interesting and all serious coaches should hear about the extensive research Tom has done around college and with the women’s national team on the subject.
Tom Black volleyball conversation from Office – Practice 1 – Middle Hitters Tutor drill. In this video Tom and Andor discuss the middle hitter tutor drill and its goals in practice.
Note: We have included videos of the drill in action below!
onversations from office reviewing the outside hitter transition tutor. Additionally we have included videos on the drill in action and Tom and his staff coaching the drill.
Tom Black Volleyball Conversation from Office Practice 1 – 6 on 6 Out of System, Chaos 3 Ball Team Wash Drill. In this video Tom discusses the details of this drill.
Final conversation from the office from practice 1 where Tom discusses the LMU 100 serving and passing Drill.
In this video Tom Black reviews the hitters vs. diggers drills and also goes into details regarding “Reading the Game Concept” as well as shares verbal cues for coaching defense and reading the hitter. This is a great drill and you really get an opportunity to see the work Tom has done in this area with other volleyball coaching pioneers like Karch and Hugh. Enjoy!
In this beach volleyball practice plan we filmed Tom Black and the LMU Lions Women’s NCAA Sand volleyball team. This practice along with the second practice in the series reveals a ton with regard to coaching NCAA Women’s Sand Volleyball.
Tom Black Beach Practice Plan #1 – Part 1 of 5 – Practice introduction and review, followed by warmup, including 1 on 1 short court, off the net bump setting, and finally blocker training drill where the blocker decides whether to pull or block. These warm up drills once again demonstrates Tom focus on warm up drills that build skill.
Beach Practice Plan #1 – Part 2 of 5 – This series of beach volleyball videos and drills includes the practice outline to the team as well as a good serving and passing drill.
Beach Practice Plan #1 – Part 3 of 5 – Passing and approach beach drill. This is a great drill to develop the important skill of passing the ball followed by an approach.
Beach Practice Plan #1 – Part 4 of 5 – Sand wave drill with a serve and a virus. This is part of the progression of practice as the drills become more and more game like.
Beach Practice Plan #1 – Part 5 of 5 – Competitive Play and Practice Wrap Up.
In this video Andor and Tom discuss the beach volleyball practice plan they are about to film and what the goals for practice are and how the drills accomplish those goals.
Tom Black sand volleyball warm up drills, 1 on 1 short court and off the net bump settings. Both these drills focus on building skill while warming the players up, a common theme in all of Tom Black’s practice plans.
Beach and sand volleyball warm up drill featuring Tom Black and LMU Sand volleyball team. This drill helps the players improve their bump setting, one of the most important skills in beach volleyball while helping them warm up.
Blocking in beach volleyball is extremely tough for new sand players in that the player often has to decide whether to pull or stay up and block. This simple drill will help players make good decisions when on the net blocking.
This beach volleyball videos includes the practice outline to the team for LMU beach volleyball practice 1.
Tom Black serving and passing beach volleyball drill where the coach helps the players focusing on weak passing areas with a toss. This simple yet effective drill allows the coach to focus on individual passing and serve receive needs of each player.
This beach volleyball and sand drill focuses on passing a ball followed by the technique for a volleyball approach and spike. A few things this drill will help reinforce with good verbal cues: Slow to fast, open up to the ball and contact the ball on your right shoulder.
In this series of videos Tom Black and LMU Women’s Sand Volleyball Team do a wave drill with a serve and a virus. drill consist of a serve followed by the serving team receiving a ball that needs to be hit over on 1. If the serving teams wins two balls they rotate over in a wave to the receiving side of court.
This is a shortened pregame day practice plan with Tom Black. This practice offers a number of valuable insights including: multiple skill building warmup drills, the focus on float jump serve drills, finally the specific wave drills used. Enjoy!
Practice Plan #2 – Part 1 – Practice introduction and warm up. This includes several videos including: Andor and Tom discussing practice, plus all the warm up skill drills for the practice.
Practice Plan #2 – Serving and Passing. The focus is on passing, seeing the line, creating the angle. On serving, again the jump float serve and getting movement and follow through on contact.
Practice Plan #2 – Part 3 of 3 – Wash drill with a serve and off target free ball. Again this drill is to run through rotations where Tom thinks the team may be weak as well as to reinforce some the tutors that the players worked on earlier in the weak.
This video contains a breakdown and introduction for LMU volleyball practice 2 with Tom Black. In this video Tom and Andor break down the practice and the goals. Note this is a shortened pregame practice.
This is a warm up volleyball drill from practice 2 with LMU and Tom Black. In this video you will see his team doing the 4 corner warm up setting drill. This is a good drill to help all your players with their setting.
In this video you will see a good controlled easy to do team warm up drill that builds skill on the net and helps the players warm up effectively. This is a good drill for all levels.