Are You Making These Volleyball Lifting Mistakes?
Hi %%first name%%,
So as I continue on my path training for the Olympics in 2016 I am continually blown away at the obvious mistakes I have made lifting and supervising workouts and training for volleyball. Now keep in mind after we won the National Championship at UCLA, our Coach (Al Scates – The most Successful Coach in Volleyball History) and our then personal trainer Mike Linn wrote the defining books for the time on the subject. Yet we all got many many things wrong.
For this week’s featured article I am going to review our current “Golden Age in the Evolution of Strength and Conditioning” and also discuss 3 full workouts consisting of 52 videos that I recently filmed at Velocity Sports in Newport Beach California. If you are a coach or player this will forever change the way you train and workout for volleyball.
Also if you have not visited in a while, Pay Us a Visit – We are up to almost 2000 instructional videos, drills and practice plans by over 30 incredible coaches.
To Your Ultimate Volleyball Success!

Golden Age in the Evolution of Strength and Conditioning – Are You Lifting For Volleyball Correctly?
We are currently experiencing a Golden Age in the Evolution of Strength and Conditioning. Leaders in the industry attribute it to four major factors:
1) Advent of the Internet and modern media has enabled the sharing of ideas globally. ( – Need I say more!)
2) For the first time in history there is an unparalleled cross-discipline exchange of among training practices and theories in human movement.
3) We appear to be living at a time when there is unparallelled growing interest in the human body.
4) Evolution in strength and conditioning to cover effective movement.
These factors have completely revolutionized volleyball training, lifting and workouts. To help keep up with these changes this week we added 3 full workouts, 52 videos with Velocity Sports Performance in Newport Beach. Velocity trains many elite volleyball players for both beach and indoor across all age groups from youth and high school to professional AVP Pro Volleyball athletes.
The workouts are generally broken down into 3 days or routines; a linear day, a jump / landing day and a multi-directional day. You will notice immediately that by the theme of each workout that the goals of training have changed significantly. No long are you lifting for back or chest or legs, rather the goal is functional effective movement for volleyball.
In other words: If you want to be good at volleyball, train like you play volleyball.
About Us
Andor Gyulai is the owner of, the number one volleyball video tutorial website in the world featuring almost 2000 instructional videos by some of the top names in the sport.
Andor himself won an NCAA championship in 98′ at UCLA and its his vision to give you global instant access to easily consumable instructional videos, drills and practice plans from some of the best players and coaches in the world. He is currently training to play for South Africa in the 2016 Olympics in Rio.
52 Videos – 3 Full Volleyball Workouts, plus 2000 Other Volleyball Videos – $24.95
If you have not visited our site – in a while we have made some major upgrades. On top of this we just added:

Velocity Workout 1 – Linear Day (22 Videos)
Velocity Workout 2 – Jump / Landing Day (16 Videos)
Velocity Workout 3 – Muli-Directional Day (14 Videos)
Get access to this plus our 2000+ other Instructional Coaching Videos, Drills and Practice Plans for just $24.95.

Also for those of you looking for some added benefits, all new gold members receive these products with membership:
– 2 Volleyball1on1 Balls
– Proseries Ice Wrap
– Active Ankle Brace
– Voolii Shirt and Hat
– StatEasy Upgrade
– TeamSnap Upgrade
