Andor Gyulai - Owner Volleyball1on1.comFind out if a Volleyball1on1 “Travel 2 U’ Summer 2016 Camp is right for you…

Are you a volleyball club director or coach interested in scheduling a Volleyball1on1 “Travel 2 U” Summer 2016 Camp? Do you have more questions? We offer all club coaches Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manuals during camp week during our Volleyball1on1 “Travel 2 U” summer 2016 camp along with an optional courtesy “Coaches Clinic Evening”.

Beyond the education you will receive as a coach, hosting a Volleyball1on1 summer camp is a fantastic way to prepare your players along with your coaching staff for your next season’s ultimate success!

If you are interested in more information, we welcome scheduling a call to speak with you directly to learn more about your needs, provide you with more detailed information regarding the curriculum we will provide at your Volleyball1on1 “Travel 2 U” Summer 2016 Camp, and answer any questions you may have to ensure this camp is a great fit for your needs at this time.

The 2016 summer calendar is already filling up! Please fill out the inquiry form below for more information.

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Volleyball Camp Overview

We travel to you, train in your gym, and teach both your athletes and staff the same system. The camp is offered over four days, Tuesday – Friday (can be customized if needed).

Furthermore, Volleyball1on1 is flexible, responsive, and ready to make the organizational process easy for you. Club coaches along with players will receive a powerful foundation in the science of coaching and playing volleyball. You can expect cutting edge knowledge that will range from new important coaching philosophies, to practice planning, and powerful insightful drills.Volleyball1on1-Ball-Sm1

Complimentary Bonuses Total Value: $5500.00 (Based on 24 Players)

As a bonus, we offer clubs who secure a camp date to work with Volleyball1on1 extra goodies valued at over $5500.00 for your players and coaches, including:

*All coaches and players will each receive a six-month video tutorial subscription membership. (Valued at $149.00 per player or coach)
*All coaches and players will each receive a Volleyball1on1 branded volleyball. (Valued at $34.95 per player or coach)

*Coaches will also receive on-going phone and email support for six-months as needed. (Valued at $497.00)

*Each team receives one full match team video evaluation. (Valued at $297.00)

*All coaches receive our in-depth comprehensive Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual with over 150 pages (Valued at $125.00)

Volleyball1on1-Coaching-Manual-Sm1*All coaches receive 15 complete practice plans. (Valued at $50.00)

Extra BONUS for Coaches

As a COMPLIMENTARY added option we offer a 3 HOUR COACHES CLINIC one evening during the week of camp. This bonus time is an opportunity for your coaching staff to ask additional questions and have dedicated alone time without the players with your Volleyball1on1 coaching staff.

This clinic is open to local middle school coaches who you would like to educate in our coaching system as well as build better relationships with. Each middle school coach also receives our Volleyball1on1 Middle School Coaching Manual. This is a “Lite Version” of our Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual with the same verbal cues for teaching each skill, coaching terms, coaching systems, drills, practice terms and practice systems that get results.

Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp Benefits:

Andor Gyulai and the Volleyball1on1 team are happy to answer questions about our curriculum before, during, and after camp. We have spent countless hours helping volleyball coaches understand drills, write practices, deal with team issues and much more. Additional benefits include:

  • No travel costs for your kids.
  • Costs less than most college camps, with significantly better results.
  • We travel to you, train in your gym, and teach both your athletes and staff the same system. Furthermore, Volleyball1on1 is flexible, responsive, and ready to make the organizational process easy for you.
  • Our summer camps run for four days, and can be scheduled any time from May through September.
  • Players are given a solid foundation in basic volleyball skills.
  • You and your staff will have access to some of the best volleyball minds in the world year round. We not only want to help you during your week of camp, but during your season as well.
  • All athletes are taught the same concepts (so often players go off and are taught things that conflict with what you as a coach would like to teach).
  • You and your coaching staff learn how to run dozens of drills. Coaches will receive a detailed camp curriculum, Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual and 15 fully written practice plans to keep and assist in building their program’s foundation.
  • Camps can be organized with local high school / clubs to help with numbers or as team camps where more 6 on 6 team match competition are built into the curriculum.
  • Your players will learn 70-80% of what they need to know during the camp before season starts with easy to understand “verbal cues” and coaching concepts. What this means is your players and coaching staff are ready to go starting with your first official practice. This will give you a big leg up on your competition.

If you are looking for a comprehensive volleyball camp experience with year round access to world class coaches, contact us to reserve your Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp today.

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Volleyball1on1 Club Summer Camps – How it Works

Camps can be hosted at facilities with 1 or more courts. For facilities/schools with two or more courts we require a minimum of 24 players to hold a camp (24-30 recommended for 2 courts). We ask that you stay within the outlined numbers below. The goal is to always have a minimum of 12 athletes per court, and a maximum of 17. The ideal numbers of athletes per court is 14. This is designed to ensure a high quality volleyball camp experience.

Volleyball1on1 Systems Players Summer Camp

Volleyball1on1 Systems Players Summer Camp

Courts Athletes Volleyball1on1 Coaches

1 12-17 1

2 24-30 2

3 36-47 3

4 48-60 4

5 61-80 5

or more…

A $1000 deposit is required to hold your spot. The deposit is deducted from your final camp balance, and is not an additional fee.

We ask that you provide lodging/meals for the Volleyball1on1 coaches that run your volleyball camp. We are happy staying with families or in a hotel. Please contact us below with questions?

We think it’s most beneficial when we train your entire program. One of the best investments you can make in your program is to invite your feeder programs. They are the future of your program. Please see more details on our coaches clinic and Volleyball1on1 Middle School Coaching Manuals above.

A large white board (preferably on wheels) for each court. Large chalk boards will work but we prefer dry erase.


Your players receive a tremendous amount of “On-Court Coaching” with a “Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp” investment. (If needed, we can accommodate a custom schedule)


AM Session Lunch PM Session Evening
8 am – 12 pm Lunch 12 – 1 pm 1 pm – 5 pm 6 pm – 9 pm
Tuesday Introduction Verbal Cues Setting (Setters)
Assessment Coach Feedback Passing
Serving Spiking
Passing In / Out System
Wednesday Bump Setting Practice Planning Full Practice Optional Coaches
Hand Setting “Reading The Game” Clinic
Defense OODA Loop
Blocking Volleyball Strategy
Thursday Mini-Games Practice Planning Review Optional Coaches
6 on 6 Wash Full Practice Clinic
Friday Mini-Games Social Mini Camp Ends at 1pm
6 on 6 Wash Tournament
What’s Needed with Prizes



Month Minimum Number of Athletes (no max) Price per Athlete
May 17 – 1 Court / 24 – 2 Courts or more $205.00
June 17 – 1 Court / 24 – 2 Courts or more $220.00
July 17 – 1 Court / 24 – 2 Courts or more $220.00
August 17 – 1 Court / 24 – 2 Courts or more $220.00

*The total price per athlete may vary from camp to camp if the school and/or host coach has additional costs to cover (gym fees etc). We strongly encourage all camp hosts to communicate added camp fees to parents well ahead of time.*
**Camps in Alaska / Hawaii – May require an additional $50 / player based upon travel cost and the number of coaches.**
***Camps with Andor Gyulai are $250 / players with a 40 players minimum”

What makes Volleyball1on1 “Travel 2 You” Club Camps unique is the tremendous effort we make to help educate both the players and coaches we work with. This goes far beyond industry standards. We will be happy to review this in more detail during our preview call together.

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Charles-NC“Having run two camps with GMS in the past, I can honestly say the Volleyball1on1 Travel 2 U Summer Camp program was far better due to the robust curriculum provided by Volleyball1on1! Andor Gyulai and his team took the time to really educate me on how to be a much better volleyball coach. Andor’s Volleyball1on1 systems, philosophies, and coaching manuals had a huge positive impact on my team’s performance this season.

After just moving up from 2A, we won our 3A conference for the first time in our school’s history beating a team that had won 14 years straight. In addition, I have helped my players develop not just into “better players” but “better people” using the Volleyball1on1 principals of “It’s bigger than volleyball!” I highly recommend the Volleyball1on1 “Travel 2 U” Summer Camp.” – Charles R., North Carolina

“As a seasoned volleyball coach I really enjoyed Volleyball1on1’s new insights on skill development, player learning, in practice competition, “Reading the Game,” “It’s bigger than Volleyball,” and practice planning. The Volleyball1on1 coaching manual provided was an incredibly valuable resource from verbal cues to practice planning. This manual has been very helpful with our new freshman and JV coaches while helping me develop consistent teaching methods across all teams. We have built more than a team working with Volleyball1on1, we have built a culture for long-term success. I am excited for our next camp and working with Volleyball1on1 well into the future.” – Pat K., Alaska

“Having played college volleyball a long time ago allot has changed in how to approach the game as a coach. The Volleyball1on1 “Travel 2 You” High School Summer Camp educated me and my players on the most recent and proven techniques on coaching which offered new insights on competition, practice planning, player development and group learning. The clinic itself was a blast. It helped us bond as a team and raise our energy going into season.” – Susan B., Michigan

Monica-Club-Director“I was looking for an edge in one of the most competitive club markets in the country, the Bay Area, California. Volleyball1on1 not only delivered but went “above and beyond” to provide an exceptional Club Summer “Travel 2 U” Camp. Valuable tools share included: consistent teaching methods on a club wide level including verbal cues, practice planning, coaching systems and more. My staff loved the Volleyball1on1 Coaching Manual and it has significantly increased the value of what we deliver to our players as a club giving us the much needed edge on our competition I was seeking for our club’s greatest success moving into season.” – Monica H., California

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Parent FAQ:


Your Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp contact/coordinator is typically the high school head coach. It is also possible that a booster club president or volunteer parent will handle the local camp coordinating duties. Importantly, Volleyball1on1 is not your primary point of contact. Once a coach registers to host a Volleyball1on1 Summer Camp at their school/facility, they are responsible for contacting all parents with camp details. If you have specific questions about camp, please contact your camp coordinator directly.


In most situations parents will pay the camp coordinator, school, or booster club directly. Please contact your head coach/camp coordinator for payment information.


Athletes should arrive at camp dressed in typical volleyball apparel (athletic shoes, kneepads, spandex/shorts, shirt). We also recommend that athletes bring water/sports drinks to camp. In most cases lunch is not provided. Please check with your camp coordinator to confirm lunch plans.


It’s very important that we start camp on time. Typical start time is 8:00 AM. This means we want to be playing volleyball at 8:00. Please have your child to camp at least 15 minutes early.
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