Jump Into Summer Volleyball Shape with Top AVP Pro Trainers and Workouts
This week I am excited to announce I added one full new volleyball workout with AVP Pro Trainers from Velocity Sports Performance in Newport Beach, California. Velocity is one of the premier training facilities in the country and many top AVP volleyball players like our own Ed Ratledge workout there.
The 22 New Velocity Videos and 1.5 Hours of content includes:
– Glut Med Activation Exercises (Same used by Sean and Phil)
– Shoulder Posterior Activation Using TRX
– Movement Preparation Warm Up
– Exercises / Drills for Eliminating False Step
– Pogo Exercises for Explosing Defensive Speed
– Exercises for Better Jumping and Linear Movement
– Volleyball Specific Lifting Exercises and Tips
– And much more…
To Your Ultimate Volleyball Success!

PS: If you need a little inspiration this is what I did that same day after the workout… 🙂 http://youtu.be/uAEeuaubvOs
About Us
Andor Gyulai is the owner of Volleyball1on1.com, the number one volleyball video tutorial website featuring almost 2000 instructional videos by some of the top names in the sport.
Andor himself won an NCAA championship in 98′ at UCLA and its his vision to give you global instant access to easily consumable instructional videos, drills and practice plans from some of the best players and coaches in the world. He is currently training to play for South Africa in the 2016 Olympics in Rio.
Courtesy Active Ankle Brace with Membership (While Supplies Last…)
Do you know the T2 active ankle brace is the #1 selling volleyball ankle brace in the world!
We are excited to announce ActiveAnkle.com as our newest gold sponsor. What this means is all new gold members get a complimentary T2 active ankle brace with membership.
Click Here – To find out more about this plus our other courtesy volleyball equipment with membership.